I have been thinking for some time that IQ does not directly reflect how clever we are. IQ does however does reflect learning potential and how fast we as humans can develops our minds and learn new things. But does this mean that someone with an IQ of 190 is ‘smarter’ than someone with only an average ‘100’,
President Bush has one of the lowest IQ’s in the history of U.S presidents yet a lot of people would call him ‘clever’. So we can’t safely say that the higher IQ you have the smarter you are, yet I have yet to meet a dumb person with a higher than average IQ.
If we take a look at the criminally insane briefly and consider their intelligence, most when measured have a higher than average IQ. So how were they dumb enough to get caught? My theory is the higher ones IQ – the more electrical synapses – increased chance for error (Like a car, if you are travelling at 30mph you are less likely to have an accident if you are doing 130mph the chance for error is dramatically increased.) This could explain the excuse ‘I don’t know what I was thinking’ and also explain why a man pushes his son, aged 6, from a balcony killing him. eveningtimes.co.uk/hi/news/5056090.html
With age comes a decrease in the bodies’ functionality, we become slower physically and mentally. I don’t think the younger generations are getting smarter just the older ones are getting dumber. As well as the bodies’ functionality decreasing so does the minds, this is why we hesitate when asked something or trying to remember something, because there are less electrical synapses therefore we cant access information as fast as we could likewise we could not run 100 meters as fast as we could. However, I heard someone where once ‘the mind: use it or lose it’. Learners are constantly activating their prefrontal cortex to keep their brain young and active through concentration and discovery. It doesn’t matter what you are discovering as long as it becomes a challenge for your brain, and you can explain it to someone else in three sentences or less. Learning must be practical and offers you the competitive edge to control unnecessary mental aging.
A little sketchy but you get the general drift.
In my very short life span I have met some incredible people, some with immensely high IQ’s and some without such impressive figures. I’ve noticed a pattern between the two, those with such high IQ’s tend to succeed academically and some even practically, however those with lower IQ’s tend to think more ‘intelligently’. Intelligence is a general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, and comprehend ideas and language. I think there is a direct link between intelligence and sociability. I don’t think I can really explain much or give any concrete evidence as to why as I’ve not had much time to think on this subject.
I would love to hear your thoughts and any feelings you may have in response to my post, anything that could help my understanding would be great.
Kind Regards,