Interesting Theistic Argument on Abortion

This was actually from somebody who posted on youtube in response to Michael J. Fox’s interview with Couric… … 8lsjfjgAA8

Great argument, IMO.

Once again, DD, your dysfunction of moral relativism causes you to climb into bed with Adolph Hitler. :astonished:

I mean, after all, you most certainly must be analogously thinking that it was the “purpose” of those six million Jews to be experimented on and exterminated for the purpose of furthering scientific advancements in medicine and re-creating the Jewish state of Israel. :astonished: :astonished::unamused:

The moronic quote you present only highlights the loonacy of the moral relativist murderous pro-abortionist.

No one knows, or could even ever guess or authoratatively suppose what the unqiue “purpose” of another’s life is. :sunglasses:

Your quoted pro-abortionist is, like all moral relativists so often do, mistaking function for intent, and for her egocentric purposes of denial. :imp:

The quoted moral relativisitc projected pragmatism is a very scary thing upon which to make decisions about who lives and who dies. :sunglasses:






Ha Ha! :laughing:

It appears, “maybe”, that being faced with the the truth of reality that I present has reduced you, Mr. Moral Relativist, to the level of a “no” nothing. :laughing:



Here’s another example of moral relativism and atheistic dogma blinding them of true reason. The ONLY stem cell research that has shown ANY promise of helping people is the adult stem cell lines. People that can choose whether or not to donate their cells, what choice does the embryo have to give up his life for your life?

All embryonic stem cell experiments have lead to either cancer or a worsening of the disease. I call that Karma…

just as women who commit abortion have an increased chance of getting uterine or breast (sometimes both) cancer, and when it strikes it ravages the body to a degree that has not been seen before.

perhaps what you need is a little more faith and a little less “reason”?