yep, it might soon be illegal to not go “green”
I can’t wait until they try to enforce their rulings.
Go green Afrika, South Amerika, India, and China … or else!
(Where’d we leave all of those hydrogen bombs again?)
I can’t wait till they enforce those ‘green’ rules! Most companies over here have gone green, but it’s been said that it’s to make their image look better/make them seem like they’re rolling with the times…
Big new proposals on greenhouse emissions in the UK:
So the court doesn’t even exist yet. One reason could be because they (he) wants to prevent not just global warming (which is loosing strength scientifically and socially as an issue) but global cooling at the same time. So, lessee, both could be successfully prosecuted at the same time, therefore the court legislating a code to enforce would be very problematic logically. But that hasn’t been an obstacle yet so what the hey.
There will have to be some teeth to it for it to work, so getting binding agreements is gonna be crucial. Obviously, a global approach is the only rational way to curtail global destruction of the environement, but it’s going to be very difficult to achieve in a world of such fundamental inequalities and differing political realities.
You need look no further than the fact that leftist PC terminology has shifted from “global warming” to “climate change” (in the face of significant evidence for global cooling for the last ten years, give or take).
But then there’s this:
The role of “leftist terminology” (why it has to be considered “leftist” I have no idea) is neither here nor there, what matters is scientific terminology and that has been focused on “climate change” for a long time without undermining the consensus on “global warming” as yet.
As for the PDO, I am struggling to find a really good explanation of its significance within the broader climate model picture and perhaps don’t understand enough of the science. Nevertheless, I did find this which offers a balance to your link: … g-Gun.html
It is also discussed in the most recent IPCC Assessment Report here (p. 289) and here (p. 621) which seem to link PDO to ENSO more closely than your original link is suggesting, but as I say I am far from up to speed on the terminology or its implications.