Of course, before the internet, we had books. And microfiche. Which makes it easy to pinpoint who thought up a specific philosophy.
But now we have forums that discuss philosophy. I’d imagine that at some point, somewhere, there is going to be a development in philosophy on the internet forums. It might not be enough to write a book about, but it’ll be a development none-the-less.
Do you think the internet will make it more difficult for people to get credit for philosophical ideas that form in the midst of conversation? Will philosophy discussions online eventually replace books written by individuals? Do you think there already exist new pearls of philosophical wisdom that will be buried or go undiscovered due to being exchanged on a philosophy forum, instead of put into a book?
I guess what I’m asking is, do you have any original philosophical ideas that could be posted in this thread that eventually I could use to write a book and take credit for?
Harsh, but I hardly consider myself a fraud. My reasoning is often fallacious and only appears to be sensible because of excellent rhetoric, but a fraud?
Right now, I guess I depend on my knowledge for a paycheck, but that knowledge is the knowledge of hotel operations which does not necessarily require that I be a Sophist. The job I had before this, I depended on my back for a paycheck.
I think internet philosophy as well as theoretical science will be greatly improve because of the internet. Alot of scientist are afraid of discovering something new because it might conflict with their supperiors views or established traditional beliefs.
Depends on how the philo translates. Internet postings are just so much babble but real philo journals are another thing entirely.
For example, I troll on a variety of Confucian blogs. Not consciously, of course, I am trying to contribute. But they are maintained by people with PhDs in the field so whatever meager insight I have to offer more-or-less amounts to trolling since I am essentially butting in on a conversation betwixted such rarefied individuals.
Despite that, every once-in-a-blue-moon, I manage to make a point someone agrees with. On those occasions, they’ve asked for my real name so they can recognize me in the acknowledgment section of the paper. That is pretty freakin’ sweet.
So while I think there is a tension between old and new media, I think that sources that count still favor old media and, will always favor accountability of some sort. While I’d like to think those who have asked me for my info are paragons of academic virtue, it is just as likely that they are just covering their ass because if someone determining their tenure decided to google that info and the blog posts in question came up they’d be in deep shit. Functionally, there isn’t a lot of difference between those positions.
Rouze up, O young Men of the New Age! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings!
For we have Hirelings in the Camp, the Court & University, who would, if they could, forever depress Mental & prolong Corporeal War.
Thanks Nietzsche.
I hope ya’ll dont get mad at me; sometimes I get bored arguing one side and then argue the otherside.
Without contradiction there is no progress.