Intro to logic stuff

I’m wondering if anyone has found the intro to logic sticky in philosophy forum useful. Responses will dictate whether or not at this time more are going to be written.

If you think positively of it, tell me why.

If you think negatively of it, or have suggestions for improvement, I particularly would appreciate hearing from you. Either PM or in this thread.

It’s a very good idea. I’ve read the first section, and intend to read the rest in the fullness of time.

I thought it was good. Well done Obw and Faust. I haven’t read it all though.

I think most people would be suprised to know that they think “logically” even if they have no understanding of logic. There are times when one will commit a logical maneuver but not know they had done so, seeing it later explained by a logician or in a logic book, and say to oneself “Aha! That’s what that is called!”

Yes, the information is of good quality. The tone and language are appropriately effervescent too. Keep it coming.

Oh, oh. Logic! Umm, my favorite logician:

I did read your logical writings too and they address valid points, but maybe you can pick a few pointers from up here.

Thanks, I am planning to get to fallacies around part 5 or 6. I myself was taught logical fallacies immediately after learning formal form, but I personally feel it might be better to pick up on fallacies only once one is able to properly produce truth trees, inverted trees, and truth tables without having to think much about it. In that way, or so my thinking currently goes, you can begin to see some fallacies in the brickwork before anyone mentions them, which makes the transition all the smoother - whaddya reckon? I could put fallacies in next and then cover tables and trees and QL forms after, which is certainly a possible option. Im ready to be convinced either way, really.

I suppose they can always be moved around after the fact.

Do the sections need to be shorter - a couple of other people have mentioned ‘I havent read it all’ which I take to mean that it’s probably too long whinded and needs to be broken down more? Let me know.

Thanks for your input, chimney, detrop, mucius and silent.

don’t forget venn diagrams


I have found your posts useful, Obw.

I didn’t think reductio ad absurdum or argument by contradiction was a logical fallacy. Even so, the example sentence given is guilty of more serious logical fallacies besides the reductio.

I read some of it. It was useful. … p?t=152732

I must admit, that’s one big, sexy post.
:sunglasses: S-E-X-Y :sunglasses: H-O-T :sunglasses: & :sunglasses: W-I-L-D :sunglasses:

Made my day!

Thanks to you five too, all taken on board. Incidentally if anyone feels qualified to contribute to the effort, perhaps with introductions to ethics, science, or any other sphere do get in touch.