
I was inspired by rainey’s promotion of free verse so I thought I would give it a try.


Amidst a sea of corn
and beans.
A small house sits
on a small hill.
White washed pine
with seven layers
of shingles.
A screened in porch
smells like cats.
In the gravel drive
rests a Buick
The air thick with pollen
and hog.
Water drips from an air conditioner
in a window.
Frogs call each other
in a pond.
White clouds sneak by.
In Iowa.

… nothing like the smell of fresh hog in the air.

Well rendered.

thank you. I grew up in Iowa and moved a few years ago. Now I appreciate it much more. Yes, the midwest is large, flat and for the most part, unpopulated, but it is beautiful in its own way.

Well done!

I’m glad I was able to inspire. This paints a picture. Sets a mood. What more can be asked of a poem?

rainey, you and tabula have somewhat become my idols as of late. im happy you approve.