IQ Test - Ever wondered how intelligent you are?

Nonsense. The Intelligence Quotient is “mental age” divided by chronological age. A 3-year-old with the mind of a 6-year-old has scored a 200 on an IQ test. Meanwhile a 50-year-old needs the mind of a 100-year-old. Doesn’t seem quite right, eh? That’s because IQ tests were never meant to put a numerical value on those above high school age, and even then it was entirely subjective. They were developed to allow the French education system to standardize and adapted in California in the USA, not to allow people to feel super about “having” an IQ of something or another.

I actually went to that site once when I worked for Sheridan Nurseries over the summer, my boss and I, during one of our breaks, went on to see what our IQ’s were. He got something like 109 and I got 121. This time around, I tried it again (had to open up a new hotmail account) and got 129. I like this test cause it isn’t like the other 2 hour, 20 page, 400 question IQ tests.

What’s your take?

Oreagan, at ages above 16 16 is used as the divisor… As for it being subjective, of course it is. Did you ever hear of anything that wasn’t?

— I actually took a real IQ test as a child at about age 11 or 12 i think. It seems that i wrote half my letters backwards, but i could read on a college level (in the sixth grade), so this rules out dyslexia, and i understood what i read, so that ruled out hyperlexia; as usual, they never figured out what was wrong with me and the problem corrected itself. I tested at 138, on the internet test i measured 129, Like Skeptic said, they don’t vary much. I’ve seen that mental age/ chronological age before, but i think our ideas of intelligence must have evolved since then.

Just out of curiousity what did you read at eleven?

— More science than now, the double helix by Crickson and Watts, books on solar energy, also a lot more science fiction which i have almost given up now. I seemed to have had much more interest in biology then, but that is starting to resurface.

Certainly they have, but people are uninformed as to this fact…an “IQ” test is defined as mental age over chronological age. Intelligence tests might be possible, but that’s not the same as an IQ test. The IQ test was devised by the French when they were just starting serious, free, public education. There were children of all ages who needed to be placed in some classroom or another, but they had varying levels of knowledge and mental development, and some had mental disabilities. So, the IQ test was created to help placement. It was never meant to be a blanket test for the population. Of course, today’s tests are very different from the original, but the point remains that an IQ test is a very poor test of comparative intelligence. Maybe it’s semantics, but it’s true.

Yes. I believe every test involves distortion of one type or another, and IQ tests may not completely answer the question of intelligence. IQ tests do little to measure how one copes with one’s environment, or how one relates to people, for instance.

weird, on the first test I ever took I scored a 145. Then three months ago I took a timed test and I scored a 124. And now I scored a 115. Should I be worried?

No, because mood will also affect how you go. If (for example) you aren’t in the mood for thinking hard/solving problems, then taking an IQ test at that time won’t be very accurate of your full potential.

On that test I got 133, but I lack work ethic, so it doesn’t matter what my IQ is, it’s not going to help me get a job. If you have a great work ethic, and an average IQ, you are more likely to get a job than a person with a high IQ, but no work ethic (unless you are lucky).

Besides, 100 is average.

I actually took an IQ test and went up from below average in one year older than me to genius level at my own age. How can one year make such a difference?

If you go well in the emode IQ test, try 1 (or all) of these IQ tests out!

You don’t have to join to find out your result.

Another thing- how come when I do an age assesed IQ test (I’m in my mid-teens, in 5 months time I’ll be the ideal age for IQ tests!) I come out as a genius whilst if I say I’m 16 I come out as having an IQ of 88? 5 months is REALLY gonna improve my intelligence :unamused:

I think people put a bit much stock in such evaluations. I recall during my university years of a lady that was always bragging about her IQ being significantly high and was one of the most cognitively dysfunctional and logically flawed people I have ever met.

Intelligence, at least in my opinion, carries over to different areas. To generalize intelligence overall based priarily on a level of cognitive logic based analysis relative to speed can be quite misleading.

Also, coming from one that has taken the tests in a variety of forms, scores can pretty range anywhere based on a variety of different factors. I have had scores around 150 and then on another occasion had a score below 100. They can be a lot of fun, but don’t take them to heart too much. Intelligence has variety of different forms and this test is just a minimal representation in my opinion of overall intellect.

With the first part of the statement I agree, but IQ tests are momentarily the best method ‘test’ a persons intelligence.

It’s just a test, but as I said the best we have at the moment. Does higher scores mean something? My guess is yes. Maybe most of the ‘great man and women’ have high intelligence? Doesn’t creativity, understanding and insight come from it? I suggest that people with high intelligence have to possibilty to reach further as people with a average or low IQ, but it needs to grow and develop.

Btw intelligence exist in our minds, it wasn’t there before we named it. So it is up to us what we make out of it. And my hope it will be more acknowledged in the future. My guess is that intelligent people not only have certain talents, but also higher morals.

I heard a qoute one time, and it goes something like this; the problem of the world is that the dumb are cocksure, and the intelligent to doubtfull.
I liked that as an answer the global problems :slight_smile: .

Bertrand Russell is one of my influences as well.

What exactly is “intelligence?” We are caught up in logical correlations as depicting intelligence in its entirety and in my opinion this is flawed. Intelligence carries over to a wide spectrum of things in my opinion. Multiple intelligence perspectives cover this quite comprehesively and do not just analyze proficiency of speed related logic. It is important, again in my opinion, to credit the mind with much, much more than just the limitations of logical/mathematical application. I know people that can deduce the most complex mathematical problems, but a very poor intellect regarding social awareness and a variety of things quite unrelated to logical application that definitely requires mental efficiency.

And how sure can we be that intelligence is capable of totally defining itself? In mathematics, Godel said that some things within a system may be true, but nevertheless, unprovable. incipit paradoxa

Roughly said, we never can be sure. Intelligence is just a tool. A saw can cut a tree, but can’t grow a seed.

What intelligence is, doesn’t really matter. Every person has his own view on it, an what that may be, is a reoccurent theorem in philosopy and psychology (central problem of privacy?). Therefore man made science, to capture ‘reality’ in a set of rules (IQ tests). And this system worked, till so far.

My guess is that intelligent can come to the same conclusions. The answer to life has a dialectic nature; thesis, anthi-these, synthese. And the synthese has been proposed by Socrates as well Nietschze. You know what I’m talking about :unamused: ?

What synthesis do you believe to have been posited by Socrates and Nietzsche?

The ‘righteous man’ maybe? I must admit I haven’t thorough knowledge of these guys, but I think many philosophies are aiming at the same thing; ‘how to live life’. But philosophers are theorist, in real life it’s hard to be righteous, because viciousness creates makes more possiblities. And who said ‘the bad’ have more fun?

But if we are all bad, we will mess up ourselves (or our children). So the only way to not mess up, is to make a change for being better humans. How? Enough literature about that :wink: . And to get back at the topic, my hope is that intelligent people will share this insight. But there is a gap between knowing and doing. And every individual does it his/her way.
But there is a right and wrong. I wonder if it’s intelligent to neglect this :unamused: .