The’overman’ is where I’m heading at . Or maybe I’m lost?
i took my IQ test and i scored an amazing amount of 211 even though i am a professor
Don’t worry, IQ’s above 150 could be quite inaccurate.
Btw, you know what IQ test measures? It measures how good you are at answering those questions .
sorry, accidental post.
But I still don’t believe it’s any use.
211? Are you sure?
there is no 211 IQ person, I don’t know what he’s talking about.
I scored in the 160s throughout my life, and really did not know how high that was until I looked on the internet at some info.
What it meant for me as a child, at age 5 I had the mental age of 8 years, by the time I was 10, the mental age of an average adult. Today, as an adult, it means I have a higher IQ than 99.98% of the human population. Out of 200,000 people, statistic probability says there wouldn’t be anyone with a higher IQ than myself. Out of 400,000 people, there would be one person with the same or higher IQ… so if I go to a sporting event in a filled stadium, say 70-100,000 people, the chances are very high that I have the highest IQ in the whole stadium. I never really thought about it like that when I went to sporting events (I have not been to one since I discovered this). I always thought “a lot of these people just seem crazy, weird, illogical to be so frenetic over a sporting event” but I never really thought to myself that “I’m smarter than everyone else here” which seems like a very boastful or narcissistic thing to say. In my whole state, statistic probability says that there are 20-30 people with the same or higher IQ than mine. Discovering that just blew my mind. I had never comprehended how amazing my mind was, until I saw that - I knew I was smart, I knew people told me I was smart, I knew growing up that I was definitely considered the smartest kid in school, at any school I was at, but I figured every school had someone like that. I guess until recently, I never really understood the true scarcity of genius.
A funny thing about high IQ, is an inner battle between “being narcissistic” and truly “just being superior” (mentally). I’m sure a great basketball player or a great dancer or athlete, etc may have similar feelings… or a difficulty keeping his/her superiority in perspective, and at some times a guilt for viewing himself as superior, even though he actually is. The thing to keep in mind is that having a high IQ, or being really tall, or having a beautiful face are things that a person is born with, things that one hasn’t “achieved” or worked for, but was just fortunate to be endowed with. There really is no reason to feel “pride” or “vanity” about something one hasn’t worked for (achieved himself). On the other hand, I am proud of the things I have achieved by using the mind I was endowed with.
I have a lot of respect for terrific athletes because their achievements are due to being born with physical superiority, and also due to a huge amount of determination and work to be as great as they are. Likewise I have a great respect for people who use their minds, regardless of how “brilliant” their mind actually is, beccause it’s what one does with one’s mind that matters, not what mind they have. A lot of people with much lower IQs than myself have achieved much greater things than I have so far. I do intend to not let what I was born with go to waste. I continually seem to become more and more intent and determined and motivated to make new discoveries and find ways to share what I learn with others, even when some of the things I find out contradict popular wisdom.
I read in this thread something I had not really thought of before. That someone close to being labeled as a “genius” according to IQ can feel distraught about it. There are a whole lot of people, everyday geniuses, who aren’t even aware of their IQ, aren’t even aware that they are geniuses according to IQ, and aren’t any different than anyone else. They have the IQ to be labelled as a genius, and really aren’t any different from someone 5 points below them. Also, there are a lot of people who know their IQ, it’s over 130, and wrongfully think they are vastly superior to everyone else when they aren’t. A lot of people concern themselves with fitting a certain label (like genius, or “not gay” or “cool”) when it is not what other people label you as that is important. I wish I had a higher IQ, too, not because I wish I was in the 0ver-180-club, but because I wish I could deduce things faster, figure things out more easily, than I can right now. I wish I had a better mind, not because of what others would label me as, but because I would be able to do more (probably) with it. That would be nice, but there is not much I can do to alter the mind I was born with, and if you have an IQ just shy of “genius” level, don’t over-concern yourself with that, don’t wish to be something you aren’t - be satisfied and happy with your own identity, with what you are. And live up to your potential, anyone has a much higher potential than they probably realize, but the true genius is the person who can utilise it! Michael Jordan wasn’t the fastest basketball player, wasn’t the tallest basketball player, wasn’t the strongest player, and probably wasn’t the highest-IQ basketball player, but IMO he utilised his abilities better than any other basketball player who ever played the game.
A funny thing about high IQ, is an inner battle between “being narcissistic” and truly “just being superior” (mentally).
That’s what I’m dealing with right now. People don’t like to be around me b/c I seem arrogant…but …I’m just trying to HELP them UNDERSTAND.
By the way, when you take an IQ test, your scores fluxuate depending on what age you took it. For instance, if you took it in 8th grade and scored a 145, you could take it again as an adult and actually score much higher. There are people who could score over 200 at age 5, but take it again at age 20 and only pull a 160. Also, someone could excell at particular areas of the test and be a complete failure at the other parts and still score over 160. The result? A person lacking in certain skills that are necessary for human survival but very strong in other areas that make the test score much higher.
I know a guy with Aspergers, for instance… very smart, well spoken (when he’s online), reason to the extreme. He’s only in highschool and he’s dealing with Quantum Mechanics at the University level. I’m willing to bet he’d score unbelievably high in particular areas on that test… especially Mathematical and Spacial Relations. HOWEVER… he’s socially retarded. If you show him pictures of people and ask him to tell you what they’re doing, he can’t tell you. If you give him a sentence with a new word he’s never seen before and ask him to deduce its meaning via context clues, he will fail. I used to work at a physics laboratory, and there were guys there who were talking about subatomic particles in a purely mathematical sense and pulling hard data and numbers from their head like a magican pulls rabbits from hats… but he was unable to tie his own shoe, or he never showered, or he shouted down the halls like a lunatic with no regard for other people and their work methods, or he was evil or mean to people, or he couldn’t write without rambling, or he couldn’t spell, or he couldn’t figure out how to operate a computer (all true stories). That number is pretty insignificant in the run of things.
I’m one of the 400,000 (I want to see the math on that, though…that seems outrageous to me…and extremely depressing).
Ever wondered how intelligent you are?
Nope! Why would I do a silly thing like that? We are all intelligent in our own different ways. To me, an IQ test lacks basis in a lot of ways.

To me, an IQ test lacks basis in a lot of ways.
I agree, but do you know a better method?
I don’t know a better method of testing Intelligence Quotient, but intelligence, maybe. I think intelligence is directly proportional to the dopamine in our brain. This higher dopamine I think is also responsible for a high imagination which makes you look even more intelligent. So I guess, measuring the dopamine or the receptors present, would give a fair idea. But this was just to answer your question. I would suggest that no one should ever go about measuring anybody’s intelligence because it’s a private matter just like ethics and morality.

This test is supposedly very near accurate and has been tested and compared with a popular clinical IQ test. Good luck!
Some other interesting tests:Inkblot Test - What’s lurking in your subconscious?
Freudian Test - What would good ole’ Sigmund say about you?
Emotional IQ - How People Smart are you?
Sexual Personality - Who are you really like behind the bedroom door?
I’m 126 (IQ)
One thing strikes me about IQ. I have heard that the mentally retarded score 70 and below. These people are 30 points from the average of 100. My score is further than 30 points from the average, in the other direction. If IQ tests are reliable, then I am, at least mentally, more distant from society than the retarded.
Our team has developed a new solution to calculate your IQ
We offer a nice and kindly solution to find out how smart you are. Our solution is based only on images and can be taken by persons with average between 8 and 60 years.
Our solution at this momment is developed in 4 foreign languages.
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Our team has developed a new solution to calculate your IQ
We offer a nice and kindly solution to find out how smart you are. Our solution is based only on images and can be taken by persons with average between 8 and 60 years.
Our solution at this momment is developed in 4 foreign languages.
Start the test right now
Frequently Asked Questions about our test
Thanks for posting that!
I know this is an old post, but UI couldnt help it when I was reading over the past threads:
I randomly clicked on answers and got an Inventive Inquisitors IQ of 97
(It is very hard for me to concentrate on tests, so I just went through and clicked as many as possible as fast as possible without looking at the questions )
Online IQ tests and IQ tests in general are extremely overratted and in fact have no way of actually gauging your true level of intellect as it fails to cover all levels of knowledge.
I agree with SageSound.
They are inaccurate and highly limited.
hmm 148 on the 12 mins timed test on the highIQ site…and I think I got a 134/6 (can’t remember which) when I took the emode test a while ago.
It doesn’t really seem to mean a whole lot though. There are certainly some things which come incredibly easy to me, and other things that take me forever to grasp (in school algebra was simple for me…geometry difficult… papers on history have always come easily to me, trying to recognize a style of music, never mind playing an instrument - or for that matter engaging in any “artistic” activity"- has always been very difficult). The test just seems to mean that you are fairly good (or bad) at doing the random tasks that they decide constitute intelligence
I think most of you have never taken a 478 question IQ test, of which I am familiar. My counselor last year gave me one to sit down and do and it was relatively quick to finish considering how long it was. This tested all things from Logic, Spatial recognition (including patterns), Short term memory, Intuition, and so on. All in all there were around 16 different tested subjects. Now, while this does not measure how book smart you are (beside vocabulary, and a few other fact references), it does however, test your skill in these specific areas, and maybe not to the fullest extent, but enough so to COMPARE you to the rest of society, which is the whole point. IQ test are based on a curve, not how specifically smart you are.