Anyone who reads this to the end should have all their questions of me answered.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified Bible)
5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New Living Translation)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (King James Version)
5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I’ve learned more trust in God by seeing the faults of man. All of witch lies in the realm of…”our good works are like cleaning with filthy rags.” & “We all fall short of the glory of God.” Meaning, our best intentions are but short comings to Gods standard. Our attempts are full of holes and cracks, and lower the bar several fold. Man has gotten used to this, and thus invents lawyers, and then bureaucracy. All as an attempt to compensate for man’s faults.
The sharp contrast to this is God, who fills in our holes and cracks, & adds depth beyond our perception. God is infinite, and we are finite. God’s love is also infinite. One significant variable that adds to God’s character is that God exists outside time & space, as well as in time and space. While demi-gods are cast from heaven and exist in time and space, but have god like powers to see through time and space.
But, because God is infinite, God spoke the same truth to people back then as to us. So that we would have uninhibited depth to perceive truth when we trust in God. Well,.. only inhibited by our tool. God has prompted me many times to memorize verses to compensate for how I memorize the jest of the verse (or doctrine). For sometimes I have to go back to the source for edification and to convey depth beyond my understanding.
Let me ask you…Who taught a two year old to steal a cookie?.. to hide eating it?.. to lie about it when found missing?.. and then blame his sister when the pressure is on? After all, the child could have just as easily changed the subject instead of festering on the cookie until he stole. Or the child could have whined until he got what he wanted. But stealing was the “natural” way. We have to overcome our nature.
Man keeps trying to invent their own standard. To get me to lower my standards. All to justify their sin (witch is for the most part accepting second best, but inherently compromising my structural integrity). Any two year old & fifty year old professor is trying to justify their own self-righteous standard, if they don’t have God.
Philosophy is the gap between religion and science. It is the love of knowledge that brings together all logic and reason. Yet, Jesus is the black sheep of the world’s standard. Jesus Christ thrives in our neglect, as a testimony of ourselves. Mainly that giving up on our own ways is a way to find God. Thus where we aren’t, there God is.
Yet, Jesus is the only bridge between heaven and earth. His blood fell on the mercy seat of the Arc of the Covenant, thus transcending space and time to the Arc of the Covenant.
All Hebrews are blood relatives of Christ, thus have soul ties that God declared a “nation of priests.” That is why satan wants them gone. They are a living reminder of Christ (even though they live it and can take it for granted). All justifications to get rid of the Hebrew nation, and the temple are a part of this hatred. What part of your soul ties worship satan? What part of your life glorifies satan’s ways?
Philosophical commonalities of the above /[/b]
When we feel love, it comes from outside our body. Not from within like a hormone. But from where we are “hugged.” We can react to this love by; embracing it back, or with confusion, or with fear, or even disgust.
Love is completely abstract from the physical world, except to the side effects of the soul. Its cause/effect justifies & doesn’t contradict the theory that,.. “The soul is an energy independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. (further edified by studying ghosts and demons (mothman prophecies))
The brash contradiction to evolution’s theory is the soul body relationship. It perfectly seems that “each section of the brain is designed to react to specific spiritual energies. Thus memories & ideals are stored accordingly. And depression is a lack of hope (even if it’s false hope taken away) thus no stimulation.
Soul ties, (defined by example, kind of like random mutations are defined by imagined example, but not witnessed (before and after hypothesis).
Identical twins have the strongest soul tie of blood relation. They share a witnessed bond that non-identical twins don’t have. But since this is labeled by society as pseudo science, it is ignored.
Science creates theories by piecing together witnessed facts from a limited perspective. Scientists don’t publish negative findings. But always amp each other up when they get a way of looking at things that amp certain theories. (come on, why should I believe that a glacier could take a boat up a mountain when popular science tried to disprove ten bible stories.) Science is the new religion trying to fill the void they created when they rejected God.
But good science only admits their findings, and openly admits what they don’t know. They learn 1001 ways not to invent a light bulb so they can further edify what they do know.
Random mutations… so why is it that people born with the alcoholism gene exhibit the same side effects as building a tolerance. Why is it, identical twins share a bond? When you know God, God’s mere presence would edify you to know that what you respect becomes a part of you. Thus we aren’t robots where like DNA makes us act alike. Thus God created the bond of blood to get us out of our comfort zone.
Now I am showing you that God meets you where you are.
So what part of what I say is iron sharpening iron? And what part is God speaking through me. You should know, as much as you know your own soul. For love and peace of God would surround God’s message. You have a choice to accept or reject God’s message/love. If you reject with disgust and spite,… then you made a choice to respect your own ways more then God. That sure doesn’t make you right in your ways.