Iron sharpens iron. Sharpening my tool for God.

Anyone who reads this to the end should have all their questions of me answered.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified Bible)
5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New Living Translation)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (King James Version)
5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

 I’ve learned more trust in God by seeing the faults of man. All of witch lies in the realm of…”our good works are like cleaning with filthy rags.” & “We all fall short of the glory of God.” Meaning, our best intentions are but short comings to Gods standard. Our attempts are full of holes and cracks, and lower the bar several fold. Man has gotten used to this, and thus invents lawyers, and then bureaucracy. All as an attempt to compensate for man’s faults.

 The sharp contrast to this is God, who fills in our holes and cracks, & adds depth beyond our perception. God is infinite, and we are finite. God’s love is also infinite. One significant variable that adds to God’s character is that God exists outside time & space, as well as in time and space. While demi-gods are cast from heaven and exist in time and space, but have god like powers to see through time and space.

 But, because God is infinite, God spoke the same truth to people back then as to us. So that we would have uninhibited depth to perceive truth when we trust in God. Well,.. only inhibited by our tool. God has prompted me many times to memorize verses to compensate for how I memorize the jest of the verse (or doctrine). For sometimes I have to go back to the source for edification and to convey depth beyond my understanding.

 Let me ask you…Who taught a two year old to steal a cookie?.. to hide eating it?.. to lie about it when found missing?.. and then blame his sister when the pressure is on? After all, the child could have just as easily changed the subject instead of festering on the cookie until he stole. Or the child could have whined until he got what he wanted. But stealing was the “natural” way. We have to overcome our nature.

 Man keeps trying to invent their own standard. To get me to lower my standards. All to justify their sin (witch is for the most part accepting second best, but inherently compromising my structural integrity). Any two year old & fifty year old professor is trying to justify their own self-righteous standard, if they don’t have God.

 Philosophy is the gap between religion and science. It is the love of knowledge that brings together all logic and reason. Yet, Jesus is the black sheep of the world’s standard. Jesus Christ thrives in our neglect, as a testimony of ourselves. Mainly that giving up on our own ways is a way to find God. Thus where we aren’t, there God is.

 Yet, Jesus is the only bridge between heaven and earth. His blood fell on the mercy seat of the Arc of the Covenant, thus transcending space and time to the Arc of the Covenant.

 All Hebrews are blood relatives of Christ, thus have soul ties that God declared a “nation of priests.” That is why satan wants them gone. They are a living reminder of Christ (even though they live it and can take it for granted). All justifications to get rid of the Hebrew nation, and the temple are a part of this hatred. What part of your soul ties worship satan? What part of your life glorifies satan’s ways?

Philosophical commonalities of the above /[/b]
When we feel love, it comes from outside our body. Not from within like a hormone. But from where we are “hugged.” We can react to this love by; embracing it back, or with confusion, or with fear, or even disgust.

 Love is completely abstract from the physical world, except to the side effects of the soul. Its cause/effect justifies & doesn’t contradict the theory that,.. “The soul is an energy independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. (further edified by studying ghosts and demons (mothman prophecies))

 The brash contradiction to evolution’s theory is the soul body relationship. It perfectly seems that “each section of the brain is designed to react to specific spiritual energies. Thus memories & ideals are stored accordingly. And depression is a lack of hope (even if it’s false hope taken away) thus no stimulation.

Soul ties, (defined by example, kind of like random mutations are defined by imagined example, but not witnessed (before and after hypothesis).
Identical twins have the strongest soul tie of blood relation. They share a witnessed bond that non-identical twins don’t have. But since this is labeled by society as pseudo science, it is ignored.

 Science creates theories by piecing together witnessed facts from a limited perspective. Scientists don’t publish negative findings. But always amp each other up when they get a way of looking at things that amp certain theories. (come on, why should I believe that a glacier could take a boat up a mountain when popular science tried to disprove ten bible stories.) Science is the new religion trying to fill the void they created when they rejected God.

 But good science only admits their findings, and openly admits what they don’t know. They learn 1001 ways not to invent a light bulb so they can further edify what they do know.

 Random mutations… so why is it that people born with the alcoholism gene exhibit the same side effects as building a tolerance. Why is it, identical twins share a bond? When you know God, God’s mere presence would edify you to know that what you respect becomes a part of you. Thus we aren’t robots where like DNA makes us act alike. Thus God created the bond of blood to get us out of our comfort zone.

Now I am showing you that God meets you where you are.
So what part of what I say is iron sharpening iron? And what part is God speaking through me. You should know, as much as you know your own soul. For love and peace of God would surround God’s message. You have a choice to accept or reject God’s message/love. If you reject with disgust and spite,… then you made a choice to respect your own ways more then God. That sure doesn’t make you right in your ways.

have you studied anslem?


sounds like my kinda guy

When you first spoke of how other people proposition you to lower your standards, and how they are being self righteous in doing things their own way and not gods way, that really got me thinking.

Personally I’m not sure what specific examples you had in mind in this matter, but i would ask if it was a case of you needing to lower your standards, or if it was a case of you not needing to enforce your standards on others.

I do not oppose religion unless it becomes harmful, and i oppose all harm. I do not get my way of doing things from god… Am i self righteous?

What if i do not claim to be right?

What about a feral child, raised by a pack of dogs? Are they self righteous?

One of your first metaphors was that humans accomplish things like washing something with a dirty rag, in comparison to god…

The whole first paragraph said nothing more than humans are not perfect. The next two paragraphs said that god is perfect…

The post began with a quote from the bible,asking us to trust not in thought or reason, but to trust in gods word. To trust in the bible… why? that scares me…

The most important question i think i can ask you is what makes gods love and happiness different from the love and happiness i already have?

I have been to church, many many times. many different churches, different religions…

I have seen everyone happy. I have seen people cry with happiness, i have seen people throw away crutches. i have seen people have seizures they are so happy with god…

I’ll admit, i have never had a seizure out of happiness, but why would i want to?

What I understood from this is that:

a) Humans basically suck and should always feel worthless because, hey, we can’t compare to an ideal, all powerful god. Some doctor saves a little girl’s life and, hey, it’s nothing because he’s just human. God would have done better.
b) ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ is innate in man. The kid who hides the cookie is an evil because he has an innately evil nature as a human. He is tainted.
c) Hebrews are more special because they are ‘blood relatives’ to Christ.

So, basically this god who preaches acceptance and peace would want to promote a distrust of the human, which is, let’s face it, what we all are? We should have peace with him but be at war with our natures?

Makes me want to be a Christian again.

Let us solve this the Islamic way: cut his fucking hands off!!!

Goddam two year old cookie hiders, their subversive flaunting of acceptable cultural mores is insulting to the human spirit; it reduces the dignity of the self to a mere ensconcer of baked goods.

God-help-me if somebody steals my fucking apple pie!!!

Isaiah 55:7-9 (New International Version)
7 Let the wicked forsake his way
and the evil man his thoughts.
Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 (New International Version)
23 This is what the LORD says:
“Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
24 but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,”
declares the LORD.

 You see God respects; kindness, justice, and righteousness. You (as a human) perfect what you focus on. And the Old Testament teaches respect and trust most off. This Hebrew Nation was set apart by God to become a nation of priests. But, God Almighty has extended his covenant with Christ God Almighty, the metaphysical gap between heaven and hell. Christ empowered his movement by enlightening people about our Mighty Counselor, the Holy Spirit,.. who came after Christ’s blood was shed. The Holy Spirit,.. the healer of souls, is the reason why we have a chance to even see a glimpse of Heaven. And Heaven on earth is the ultimate goal. So forget the post-modern opinion of Christianity being a fear based religion. It’s called trepidation. The New Light says to me that all things are permissible if done in the right mentality. So you see trepidation was put into place in order to get people to respect their boundaries. I agree we need to test our boundaries, but respectfully test your boundaries.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isaiah shows me that God doesn’t promote self-righteousness (self-justification). Because, if you are at least willing to admit you are wrong, God is no longer enabling you to sin. So we see the pretence of grace is being aware we are sinners,… and being aware that God knows a better way.

Self-righteousness = doing things to perpetuate your own standards. I.E. someone who has had a bad marriage will make up science that says that only mature people can handle being promiscuous. The devil knows 101 ways to destroy a marriage, but not one way to build up a marriage. The devil is blinded by his ambitions. Just the same, the devil sees every reason marriages fail and hurt the people they fail. But he has already labeled all people who are satisfied with marriage, and grow closer in their differences,… they are labeled as weak losers.

Another aspect of self-righteousness is power tripping. People who are self-righteous will see their power as a way to get their desires. They think no further into it because they already assumed they are right. But a cautious person will not overstep power as a way to influence people. Now, I’ve seen a subtle difference between post-modern self-righteous power and fearful modern skepticism. For this is your brain on drugs mentality viewed by post-modern drug users joked how that commercial didn’t convict them but made them hungry. But since modern science was willing to admit they didn’t know enough to debate out certain issues, they just kept the message where they felt empowered.

An extream example that requires God to be the judge. I’d say that God would show him two paths and let him choose. After all he wasn’t decieved, he was just nieve.

One day no one will be manipulated by deamons. It’s apart of Heaven on earth.

I have seen more then that. But, if your spirit man wasn’t so dead to life,… you’d have more disernment.

Being anointed in the Holy Spirit is a spiritual thing that has physical side effects.

?.. Why is it all that you see in the first paragraphs is that we are imperfect and God isn’t. Don’t you see a reason to why? A significant reason that would open your mind to accepting God as more powerfull then you?

Your pride in humanity was hurt because it was based on false pretences. So redefine humanity into something that acknoledges it’s weaknesses and faults,… and you won’t be let down.

He is corupted, and needs to discover his true potential to recieve what he desires through true and pure ways.

They serve a certain role in society when Heaven on earth is inniciated. You see with certain roles, certain gifts (tallents) are given. And knowing each telents true purpose will unlock it’s true potential. The devil cannot create anything,… but only pervert what god has created. And unlocking true potential takes a relationship with God.

Cynical pesimest, why do you assume you are the worlds standard of judgement.

Ahhh, the CNN version of religion

well i’ve been anointed cristened baptized prayed for communionzed and have even had god spread his message through me…

Then when it was all done i looked back and asked myself what that was about…

i realized i was just acting the way people wanted me to. i was trying to fit in.

What am i not discerning plato? help me. God would want you to, wouldn’t he?

no, there is no power. The first paragraphs explain why man is imperfect. It decrys mans impudence, then explains that god can take care of that for us…

Why would i want to be perfect?

how do you know god is perfect?

if yu cannot comprehend perfection how do you comprehend god?

God is more powerfull than me but why should i worship him? why should i sacrifice my way of life to suit his? because he can destroy me? because he can banish me? because i need his love?

I don;t need gods love, earthly love seems to make me happy enough…

Not to mention the fact that all this following god inevitably leads to conflict.

In truth i’m angry at god, i despise god. I told him to fuck off yesterday, honest…

He didn’t say anything…

For all gods infintie powers i have never seen him use one.

perhaps if your spirit wasn’t dead to logic, you would see that.

Your tool needs sharpening, but i suggest you find a coarser wet stone to begin with.

This is just so wrong in so many ways, I just can’t do it any longer, I have respectfully avoided this thread because the title cracks me up… I can’t resist the pull anymore, My apologies for any rudeness but, Sharpening my tool for God? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Actually, no it doesn’t. Thats why it’s called a sharpening/hone stone!
Something must be harder and sufficiently abrasive to sharpen iron or steel.
(Most such ‘bumperstickers’ don’t stand up to critical thought…)

I do that, it is called divine masturbation! Honest…

PlatoGod, if you believe the bible is the word of God, I can almost assure you that you break the word of God on a regular basis. If you have ever been divorced, you are an adulterer and will go to hell. If you have ever worked on Saturday, straight to hell. If you worship Jesus (which you evidently do), straight to hell. (Though shalt not worship any idols before me). If you worship on Sunday instead of Saturday, again, straight to hell. Also to be noted, God must be disgusted by gay men, but he likes lesbians! Since there is no verse that says a woman cannot lie with another woman, but there sure as hell is one that says a man cannot lie with a man. However, two men can get married so long as they don’t sleep together. So you can have all the gay platonic relationships you want, or hell, even gay male phone sex, just no sleeping together. After all, God is a straight guy, and he sees all, and he doesn’t want to have to look at that shit right?

Nope not Christian , I do not worship or pray to anyone nor anything , except maybe the coffeepot if it seems to take too long to brew at 4am. :laughing:

See, now lie together does not necessarily mean they can’t sleep side by side, you can take it to mean they just can’t touch each other while laying down. Together could be seen as touching. Loopholes in everything :banana-dance: :banana-dance: gotta love languages that provide for more than one interpretation. Perhaps that is one problem with humans, language can provide too many interpretations???

Actually, if you want to get really technical about it, if two guys do it standing up, then that fits the bill!