Irrational Tendencies & Critical Self-Consciousness

Irrational Tendencies of the Mind & Critical Self-consciousness

Our mind tends to be dominated by the ego and the group when we have not yet become critically self-conscious. I am not an expert in these matters (such has never hindered me from expressing my considered opinion) but from the things I read regarding critical self-consciousness they make sense to me.

Ego influences me by:
I think it is true therefore it is.
I want it to be true therefore it is.

Group influences me by:
The group name identifies me.
The group influences my associations.
The group is us and the non group is them.
What we do is good what they do is bad.

I suspect that the ego domination was the natural human condition during early evolution and slowly the ego morphed (transformed) into a group in some areas of consciousness (focused attention).

I think that Madison Avenue (advertising agencies) and the oligarchy (non elective group running the nation in that group’s interest) have learned to manipulate our egocentric and sociocentric characteristics for the advantages of marketing interests. Our ego drives us to buy the BIG car and our group drives us to dominate the other group in the interest of our group.

‘To be critical’ is often, I think, confused with ‘to be negative’. To be critical is to stop, think, analyze, and seek comprehension and possible improvement. To be critically self-conscious is to focus the critical effort inward with the self as the object of criticism.

I think that most of our personal and international tragedies are a direct result of our lack of critical self-consciousness. Is that a ‘bunch of baloney’ or do you agree?

I would go a little bit further.

To be logical and to think is considered negative.
To ask questions is considered a cause to expel you from ‘the group’ and suspend your rights.
The freedom of opinion is labeled individualism.
Noncompliance classifies you as inferior and you will be sterilized.

coberst - I think you are not describing “ego” but “stupidity”.

My ego has driven me to buy a small truck, as that is all I require to traqnsport the entirety of my possessions. I am no ascetic.

faust- I think coberst was applying the oft nilly willy (or is that weely neely), guns blazing, super pedestrian ego. I believe you went for nomenclature here.

By the way, you don’t happen to own a boat then, do you?

I own a boat, yes, which hitches to the back of said truck.

Not ascetic? Okay, how about stoic?

Do you load anything on said boat? Okay, I stop.