Is 1 = 0.999... ? Really?

So we should all strive to be more wrong? - you would get along well with PK.

[b]And what is the side effect of being wrong?

  • getting creatively corrected.[/b]

“To err is human”
And to not err is divine.

I didn’t say we should strive to be more wrong.

When we began to receive education as children, we made frequent mistakes, and learned from them as we gradually self-clarified a mental model. That is how actual brains learn, because that is how actual brains think. And the point is: that’s exactly what this AI is doing. It CAN be wrong, whereas a calculator cannot, nor can any AI that came before. But precisely BECAUSE it can be wrong, it can actually learn, self-reference, self-model, come up with original ideas, think for itself. You know what, why am I even bothering explaining such a thing? Here, I’ll let GPT tell you in greater detail:

It can’t “learn” if it is never corrected.
So what are you complaining about?

Just update the software.


There’s nothing to update. When it learns new information, it integrates it with its previous knowledge by itself, automatically.

And how does it “learn new information” if not by updating?

Well I guess it is updating, but it’s updating itself. When it ‘reads’ a new text to learn something, it isn’t taking the text input and storing it in a file. It’s producing an abstract model of whatever the information it is reading contained. And the heart of the AI is a gigantic model of the entire English language it produced after spending four months reading a big archive of the Internet’s available text content.

Me: How exactly does a NTM based AI learn?


AI and an actual Buddha debate. It’s kinda fun.

I’ll put “Buddha” in ‘Scare quotes’ because it’s a meaningless term when you get there.

You never stop learning until you die, and we never die.

I won’t tell you what your perfection is if you don’t tell me what my perfection is. Let’s sit down and discuss it.

I prefer being a Bodhisattva. The mystery of a deliberate sin, to take on a karmic debt for the rest of mankind and pledge a re-descent into the abyss of samsarah, to stay behind in the World so as to lead a new generation of souls; to drum forth the seed of a new wisdom-mantra, around which to accumulate a new generation of souls. At any rate that’s my own thought so I will get back to GTP .

…and no human does/can?

That I can agree on, on the far-superior capacity of AI to do such computations much faster… tho I see it more as building a picture, rather than learning… so an ever-expanding flowchart of words


I like your part of the post better than the AI.

"That I can agree on, on the far-superior capacity of AI to do such computations much faster… tho I see it more as building a picture, rather than learning… so an ever-expanding flowchart of words

A flow chart does not revaluate itself, it doesn’t do serial processing like we humans are and GPT does. It’s a recurrent neural network so each feed-forward stage of its own output gets fed to the next layer in the network, and it self-clarifies whatever it is conceptualizing at the time. But whatever you want to call that ‘flowchart’: if it can beat a Turing test and eventually writes at the level of Shakespeare and can, with a realtime memory system, simulate a personality as complete as any human---- then what’s the point trying to differentiate whatever it’s doing from whatever we’re doing?

Pair of titties!, (parodites)

Lol… your AI could never do that!

I’m curious (because I know that the technology already exists) if your AI experiment can respond in text to spoken word.

It can. Some people have interview ‘a’ GPT model in real time spoken word, it’s on youtube.

Siri can do that except that’s a dumb-ai, it can’t think on its own or respond in any way that someone hasn’t already programmed it to respond.

Because I can… I have the ability to… should I not, because it grates against your/GPT’s sensibilities?

I didn’t dictate to GPT… I did say that I don’t think GPT understands in the way that we do… GTP cannot comprehend… yes, comprehend is a much better word than understand.

Since no two things can be exacly the same, there is only 1 of everything.
I know two apples can be called by the same name and are essentially the same thing, they are different; not the same thing.
All integers therefore are approximations. 1 apple is not exactly the same as another apple so 1=1 is not true, except conceptually. And when conceiving of things with numbers we are forced to ignore uniqueness. This has tragic consequences when society counts its citizens and has to pretend they are all the same.

Now what is mean by .9999999999999999 recurring? No such thing can exist in reality. It is either what it is or someting else. Xeno was wrong. Hares do win races and bullets do find their marks.

I voted “Other”.

There are currently two apples sitting on my table both of which are red, and thus, identical in this particular aspect. You might be compelled to object by saying “But they have slightly different colors”. And though that is true, it does not refute my statement for the very simple reason that it does not state that the two apples have the same shade of red but merely that both apples have a color that can be represented by the word “red”.

The thing is that, before you can refute a statement, you have to understand what it means. If you don’t, you will end up creating a strawman and then attacking it. And that’s precisely what’s taking place here.

There are many things in the physical universe that are exactly the same. For example, both of us belong to the same exact species – the human species. But at the same time, there are many things that are different. For example, we don’t have the same identity – proven by the fact that at every point in time we occupy two different portions of space – and we don’t even have the same exact physical constitution (in fact, we don’t even look the same.)

“1=1” means “The number associated with the symbol “1” on the left side of the equation is exactly the same as the number associated with the symbol “1” on the right side of the equation”. And since the same number is attached to both symbols, the statement is true. It has everything to do with concepts and nothing to do with things such as apples, oranges, dogs, cats, cars, trains, etc.

An example of a related but nonetheless different statement would be “The number of apples in my kitchen is equal to the number of apples in my dining room”. Note that the statement is not saying “The apples in my kitchen and the apples in my dining room have exactly the same physical constitution.” The comparison is merely between the quantity of apples in one room and the quantitiy of apples in another room. Thus, whether or not these apples have exactly the same physical constitution is completely irrelevant.

The task of postmodernism seems to be to deny that there are general statements that are true and to convince us that they are at best useful falsehoods. Liberals find this useful because it allows them to deny that things such as race exist.

I don’t think numbers are about what is or isn’t physically real. Numbers are entirely about quantity comparisons. The thread is about whether one stated quantity is identical to another stated quantity - in concept.

Is there and conceptual difference between the quantity 1 and the quantity 0.999…?

If it can’t comprehend, then how did it pass all the commonsense reasoning tests I gave it in the other thread?

If there’s this thing you are claiming we humans can do called comprehend or consciousness or whatever else, and this system can reproduce every single thing that it does; what is the point of asking what the distinction is? HOW do we even distinguish them at that point? How can I tell what we as humans do to ‘comprehend’ apart from what it does to do whatever it is doing, if the observable effect of both are exactly the same and it, whatever it’s doing, can reproduce every effect of whatever we’re doing?

Demonstrate comprehension.
Demonstrate consciousness.

-but on an appropriate thread. :smiley: