I feel like if I go into college pursuing a Philosophy Major I may get downright bored since I’ll know alot of what the teachers are talking about. Do any of you guys wish you had gotten into philosophy earlier or did get into philosophy while in your teens? I really began when I was 17 and I sense it changing my life much. How old is everyone anyway?
No matter how much you think you know philosophy it will be worth taking it in college.
18 year old scrapper here!
Those eight year old ones are tricky. Or maybe they are just lucky enough not to have been conditioned into not questioning yet…
As for the 17yr/old contemplating college, it may be true that justifying any ‘soft science’ is difficult today, at least in the wests perception. However I would venture out and say that your potential instructors most likely ‘know’ more then you do, even futher, if they dont, they will be amazed at your brillance and will want to philosophize with you! Its all good if you ask me. I do question though how you believe you have the answers, to all the great questions. If that is the case, my advice is write a book!