Is a coin more likely to flip tails if it has already flipped heads a bunch?

This isn’t about a single result, like one die roll after a million others where the previous million don’t matter. In the Hamlet example the past DOES matter. And there are multiple universes of possibility, one in which a million 1’s are rolled and the next die roll is also a 1, and many others in which a million other rolls (not all 1’s) are first rolled and then the next roll is a 1. Just like there are way, WAY less universes in which a million +1 1’s are rolled and then the next one is also a 1. Because the statistical possibility reduces exponentially IN REALITY based on the accumulated, exponentially increasing improbability of a real universe actually correctly following the entire historical possibility chain with zero deviations.

Infinity does not mean boundless, it only means “never stops”. In reality, that just means we will have a universe appear and later vanish for some reasons, only for another universe to appear after that. Or however it works. But it does NOT mean that “every thing that we can imagine might be possible will happen”. You could have the exact same universe manifest over and over for countless times. This is about REALITY, not hypothetical theoretical statistics stuff. Maybe in your mind you can picture some apes smashing their fists on typewriters and somehow, SOMEHOW, SOMEHOW (who the fuck could even picture this, be honest) somehow,… they just happen to hit every exact perfect key in order from start to finish perfectly recreating Hamlet. All approximately 300,000 characters. With no errors. All from random smashing fists without meaning.

Seriously that would never happen, I don’t care how many iterations of the situation you want to imagine. Physically is is not possible. Think about it. Like I said this is ALSO about reality, not merely theoretical statistical stuff in a mental vacuum.

Not really.
We are talking about infinity. Tell me, where infintiy is invloved how is one moment different from another - it is not. Infinity is boundless. With an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewritters the production of Hamlet; the complete works of Greek literature and every thing else ever written including an infintie number of versions with an infintie number of spelling mistakes, is written and take exaclty as long as it take them to type it. THe result is effectively instant.
There is no before or after it not even relevant.

Cool story bro :+1:


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Imagine thinking of time in a spatial sense, yikes

Time is about sequence, temporality of moments, changes of physical stuff. In time ordered formats. It doesn’t mean “there are literally endless boundless physical stuff everywhere without limit” and even if it did, which is a bit silly, that would STILL not justify the whole apes smashing out 300,000 characters of perfect Hamlet nonsense.

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Wow. I find it really funny how much you’ve all delved into this topic chasing your tails.

The only way a coin can be fair is if both sides are exactly the same. Which means there’s no heads or tails to count.

What do you mean?

I invented this trick when I was a teenager.

It was very important back in those days.

Although even more importantly nobody ever bet on sex with pretty girls

If both sides are the exact same, you can’t feel heads or tails.

Thus, no heads or tails