We’ve heard of ‘the cultural revolution’ before, and it has been tried within various utopian visions. Soit’s not going to go that way, for sure, time cannot wait, as with interest ptincipal draws, it cannot wait. The inflation eats away at a dormancy. So there is no economic factors within cultural revolution either, political economy is very top heavy for that, the trickle down theory made that perfectly clear.
What remains? Either fully blown projects for escape, like those of SpaceX, and/or simultanious creation of virtul worlds, completely authenic looking, (while waiting for ticket to ride), and unless both can be achieved before a critical mode is reached, authentic dasein will not only become outdatedm but impossible. I give it one more generation, although may be off on that.
Furthermore, if one fancies themselves a determinist -
One can say it’s impossible to do any action that is inauthentic.
As all actions are a direct response to the past - and the mind is not beyond the body in terms of causality.
This is not to say all actions are ideal to us, rather that they are sincere actions resultant from the vast array of human drives / priorities / influences.
Well said.
[I believe…]
Culture was an outgrowth of ourselves. It was shaped by our ancestors, and continually influenced by new generations.
Over time, certain aspects of our culture were rewarded/reinforced and became inflated in comparison to us - out of proportion, as a reflection of ourselves.
We ought determine our culture, not it us . And that is the disconnect. Our culture/society has grown to be an entity beyond any of us, and pressures us to contort/conform to something maladjusted to us.
Yet, culture/society still has a degree of authenticity. In science, philosophy, art, community (and more) - areas where despite the chaos / noise, people can be genuine to their humanity. And these fields can influence, guide us, and promote healthy growth.
Therefore, I wouldn’t say that all culture distances us from authenticity.
It took me while because I was thinking about how deep to go. I logged in now because I decided on the short Freudian version. I am also considering starting a new topic in the coming days on a related topic that I have recently been pondering. I will pm you if/when I do.
Here goes:
Freud is famous for his seperation between ‘it’, ‘ego’ and ‘superego’. The way he means that is that the ego (what we (decide) to show the world) is build up of a compromise between what we really are (the drives known as ‘it’) and what we think we should be (what we have learned from the world around us/culture known as ‘superego’).
Now, this means that the ‘real’ is factually what Freud calls the ‘it’. It encompasses our natural drives; our connection to the real world. In that sense really ‘being there’ for a 100% is absolutely blocked by our cultural superego.
Some examples:
-A child has no problem laughing and crying with friends. Only when we get older we learn it is not received well if we cry, or get mad or something like that. So, we leard to ‘hide’ our real drives.
-Teenagers might feel the drive to immediately grab eachother and start fucking in the car/toilet/whatever. When we get older we learn our culture does not allow this. In fact, some people feel this so strong that they get into trouble showing sexual attraction at all.
This does not mean it is impossible for adults to really be there, but it does make it a lot more difficult. We could momentarily ‘let go’ of previous lessons and cultural ideas and really be there in the moment.
The question arises if one actually should promote this in the first place. Imagine someone liking the campfire so much he burns himself. Most kids hurt themselves once or twice that way. And how to judge the pervert that drags a girl into the bushes to have his way with her? He must have let go of the cultural inhibition to an extreme. Then again, the first kiss is always scary. We might be encouraged not to try by our culture. Letting go at that time out of love seems to be the right thing to do.
If you ask me, life takes a combination of restrains and moments of letting go. I have considered that the leading emotion should be indicative of when to let go and when not to. But this is not the only condition. There are moments and places to let our drives run their course(s). If we do not control when we do so, things can be anything from embarrassing to downright scary.
‘Very little[few][small] [young] children already learn what their culture allows and forbids.’
And I’m pretty sure James was intentionally altering the meaning of the statement, in order to express how his view differs from it. Hence the color red for correction, i.e. ‘you’re wrong, I’m right. lalala.’
I was only using the English for all you here. I read Freud in German. I read others in English, but I do think to remember they used ‘it’. However, the wikipedia shows ‘ID’, as you say. Maybe my memory is faulty, but then again, the wikipedia is not always right. Anyway, use a translator from German to ENglish and find out that the German word ‘Es’ is translated with ‘it’.
Children learn things bit by bit. It took my son a while to figure out that eating seashells is not a good idea. He is still working on not balancing on the window sill to try to reach the door handle. He has only fallen once or twice. It worries me, so I stop him. Because I stop him, he has not learned yet.
Anyway, do you agree with the general ideas in what I wrote? Is it helpfull to you?
I want to point out that the Super-Ego is what contains the cultural lessons and is often spoken of simply as culture. I don’t think you know that; judging from your replies.
The English translation of Freud’s “Es” is “id”. Why do you not know this? A German native speaker must explain the English translation of Freud’s “Es” to an Englsih native speaker who claims to know some of Freud’s books. That’s odd.
Where do you come from? What is your first language? And what are your other languages, if you have any?
That’s odd. However, I am glad to see that my information has benefited you.
I know almost all books of Freud, and my translations are correct. You can believe me. Freud’s “Es” is translated by “id”.
You should not stop him to often, because children need freedom in the sense of as much free space as possible, and mothers usually constrain / box their children too much because mothers are usualy too much frightened when it comes to rear, nurture, educate their children.
As I said: All what you said was no news to me.
Then you are judging falsely. I am not a Freudian(ist). I am no …(ist) at all. Freud meant his "Über-Ich (“superego”) as the rules, principles, taboos, etc. of the (A) culture, and for a child this means the rules, principles, taboos, etc. of: (A,a) mother, father, siblings - thus family -; (A,b) kindergarteners, teachers, peer groups and other groups - thus society.
Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch ist ‘es’ doch ‘it’. Und, ich sage dass ich es auch oft in Psychoanalyse so gelesen habe. Wie gesagt: es ist möglich dass ich es nicht ganz richtig mehr erinnere. Es ist schon einige Jahre her.
Kennst du seine Werke?
Ja Natürlich, aber als er da fällt, ist es möglich dass er seinen Hals bricht. Solle ich nicht passieren lassen natürlich!
Das war mir nicht deutlich wie viel du weisst davon.
Aber immer noch mit kleinen Schritten.
Mein Deutsch ist vielleicht nicht sehr gut. Ich brauche es nicht oft. Es ist auch nicht meine erste Sprache. Englisch is auch nicht meine erste Sprache. So spriche ich noch enige Sprache. Jedemfalls: entschuldige vor den Fehler.
Vielleicht. Manche Gedanken habe ich ja schon erzählt. Die anderen Gedanken werden folgen.
Deshalb schrieb ich “Fachsprache Freuds”. Der Unterschied zwischen “Es” und “es” ist im Deutschen gegeben, aber im Englischen nicht mehr: “it” und “it”. Um den Unterschied auch im Englischen deutlich machen zu können, hat man einen Unterschied erfunden: “id” und “it”.
Wohl nicht mehr so sehr wie früher - “dank” Internet u.ä…
Id = The person’s actual impulses (instincts and passions). Ego = What the person believes he can do, given the constraints of reality (self-confidence, self-image, harmonizing w/ perceived reality). Superego = What the person believes he should do, given the constraints of society (repression, social-image, harmonizing w/ society).
All societies require a degree of repression via social rules. SAM brings the id, ego, and the superego together so that each can easily comply with the others to the maximum degree possible. What a person desires to do becomes what he can actually accomplish as well as what he socially should do. That is how the IJOT gets maximized because Joy is the inner perception of unimpeded accomplishment.