Is a pregnant girl obligated to tell the man she is pregnant

This actually happened, a 19 year old pregnant girl came to church seeking help. She is pregnant and the young man doesnt know and they are not together–they were never together in the first place. She has made up her mind that she does not want an abortion nor does she want to put it up for adoption. She hasn’t told this guy yet and has debated whether or not she should…Is she obligated to tell him?

Yes. It is his son or daughter, he has a responsability/right to know about it.

In my opinion, in all cases, “yes.”

(But in this case especially, on a practical level, she can hit him for child support, which is his duty to give.)

Consult an attorney.

Legally, not really.

Morally, yes, always. Where possible. I recognise that ships pass in the night.

Yes, it is his blood after all, Something could happen and this could be the only child that young man will ever produce. He and his family have a right to know their blood is out there.

Aren’t churches against that sort of thing?

Traditionally, yes.

Why the big change now? Has god spontaneously edited all copies of the bible like Obw edited detrop’s post?

Not that this should matter but she was actually an atheist looking for help, so she came to the church…or I guess that would make her agnostic, cause she was seeking…

Why the hell doesn’t she want to tell her hubby? And why didn’t she use her logic?

What? No hubby- she barely knows the guy.

Worst case scenario- the guy is a scumbag, and would make a terrible father.

In my opinion, it’s still his seed, and he is entitled to know about it, if nothing more.

New Info–He is a TOTAL scumbag.

He maybe a scumbag, but, that does not mean he will stay that way or his family are scumbags. Eventually the child will ask many questions and or may need to know its father and father’s family history for health reasons. Best if you start honest and don’t hide things for the child’s sake. Hiding that information leads to some harsh problems. Family experience here talking.

You may wish to advise her that in the future she might refrain from fucking guys she barely knows.

I second and third that important bit of advice. Never could understand doing such a thing anyway. My idiotic stupid attack one night stands were with a guy I had known in school and a guy I knew from work. Stupid thing to do but, we all have brain farts.

Well said.

Two wrongs will not make a right.

She fucked him–wrong #1. Not telling him would be #2. If there is any Darwinian moral decency in her, she’ll tell him.

OK look–it turns out that it wasn’t consentual.
