Is anyone here a recovering atheist?

The world is entering a new dark age.

And that is all I’m saying. This is why.

Trying telling people 20 years ago that the British government would start blocking ip addresses.

Would you like to guess if university attendance in that time went up or down?

3 bullets to the head or a rapidly advancing cancer and every legend ends in a pool of blood and tears, as pathetic and needy as it began, if it ever did. the fantasies of grandeur and mystical genius are for autistic men-children with brains of 15 year olds.
and Britain is the most democratic country in Europe, whether you or anybody else likes it or not.

The fact that you are correct, is what makes it so very bad.

No matter where I go, what happens or when or how I die, I will be me.

to really look higher is to really humble yourself. and man is such a filthy beast, if he does not remind himself regularly, he will soon forget his meekness and hence no worse malady than an arrogant and overconfident dullard. even Beethoven spoke to God and claimed God spoke to him when he wrote music…

I prefer Vivaldi, who you get the impression was trying to talk to God through his music.

In any case, we are certainly lucky to be alive.


Il Prete Rosso.

I see… yes, you are definitely a reactionary type. I only become a reactionist when I’m doing politics, otherwise no… it’s not in my nature to be so.

I had perceived, so… ; ) Indic and Euro philosophies have the same themes running through them, which appeases my Indic/Euro mind, in one… the general Indic, not Hindu philosophies, per se.

Well at least we got the NHS and decent public services out of it…

…about this collab?

When do we do it?

What does India have to do with the West??? stop spreading bullshit, when the British came…did they find themselves rediscovering their cultural roots in India or did they look and treat it with disdain and considered it barbaric and of a lower quality than the European one??? Persians maybe…through their influence on both Judaism and on the Ancient Greece…but Hindus???thats some new history Maggie…did you make it up again???

Re-read what I said… I said that both the philosophies have the same themes and concepts running through them, which they have.

Don’t straw man me… I didn’t mention ‘Hindu’, Pedro did, and I clarified with him that I do general indigenous Indic philosophy… locals call Hinduism something else, they have another name for it.

I am well aware about British rule in India and Bangladesh, and the history of those countries from antiquity onwards. One day I was bored, and spent the entire day reading up on the entire history of humanity… it was a very long read indeed. Bangladesh wasn’t subjugated, like the Indian subcontinent was, and original Indic linages are reified in Canonical books.

lol you are crazier than i thought, what are you even talking about??? what does Bangladesh have to do with anything??? are you another mystic origin truther like the cunt SATIRE??? how cringe worth would it be for me, as a Pole, to talk shit about some mystical and pure Slavs or Poles and imply there was a culture unmatched to anything that came afterwards in both the intellect and morality??? you kooks are embarrassing yourself in public.

polishyouth, you are an embarrassment to those you claim to represent, you need to accept this.

Your whole skit is Straw-manning…

Read it and F off: it’s not a long read, and is a fine example of when greed gets the better of people.

hahaha British never intended to rule India… :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :confused: :confused: :confused: they fought bloody wars with other colonial powers over what then became(surely completely accidently) the most profitable part of their global colony for the fun of it… :confused: :confused: :confused: you kooks are tragic…show me ONE member of the Indian council who was a Hindu…both the executive, centralised power out of London and then the secondary local governance was carried out solely by white, British protestants and the Hindus that actually occupied positions of power were tied to the local structures which were completely subdued to the levels above them.
I deleted some nasty stuff.

The EIC arrives in 1600, and sets-up shop off coastal Bengal (now Bangladesh and West Bengal) a decade later

The EIC begins to attempt to war and bribe its way into power up until 1854

The British Crown (The Raj) takes over India in 1854 due to gross corruption, so over 2.5 centuries later.

India and Pakistan become self-governing in 1947, so 93 years of British rule later.

Retaliating, because I told you to F off… such a predictable emotional move…

Waaay back? way back when? regardless of anything, you are wrong… your feminine side of retaliation is so beguiling ; )

Lol what are you ever talking about???loooool wtf!!!east India set up a ‘shop’ in Bangladesh yeah??? Looool you actually made me laugh you are so weird it’s sweet
I deleted my insulting comment too right after I wrote it too…because I don’t want to go overboard and you are an older female I don’t even know and I don’t feel good being nasty to others…so stop talking shit about your wacko feminine tropes…if I wanted to get a revange and I was being a bitch, I’d have added even more instead of getting rid of the personal and nasty stuff…the paralysis by psychoanalysis won’t work here sweet darling, I know who I am and I know that if I open my legs and I see my package hanging, I’ve already qualified to be a representative of the male gender, whatever psychoanalysis kooks might want to say about it.

The East India ‘Company’ (not East India) set-up shop (meaning to ‘open a business’) in (previously called) Bengal, (now divided up into the states of West Bengal, Bangladesh, and Tripura).

Whatever you say…

Oh good… I was worried I’d have to be the bearer of bad news… but since you already know.
Just remember the frontal cortex of the brain doesn’t fully develop until your mid to late 20s.
So don’t let it get you down, there’s still time for things to turn around for you, just hang in there and stay positive, buddy…