Excellent posts all!
Kesh. hopeful clarification of one of my points.
I said
(italics mine)
Silhouette said:
(italics mine)
Perhaps ‘meaning’ as in 1 above is a derivative of ‘ego’ as in 2 above. Perhaps, as Nietzsche said, “Truth [meaning] is the kind of error without which, a certain creature could not live.” and in his notebooks of the 1870’s …“What life does require is belief in truth, but illusion is sufficient for this.” I submit that meaning is necessary to the survival of the species. A creature must see itself as one single solitary unit in order to…
A wo/man must have an ego because…
I submit that a view from everywhere is a view from nowhere. Every perspective must of necessity disregard other perspectives (it is this that makes it a perspective), every viewpoint is a view from one point among others. Any ‘God’s eye view’ (omniscience) would be the totality of all viewpoints, or an absurdity.
Silhouette typed:
That ‘in practice’ makes all the difference in the meaning of the sentence. I pretty much concur with almost all of what you have said. I don’t know that i clearly understand, “The only thing that can understand the universe is the universe.” unless you mean what i have alluded to hitherto in this post, “the totality of all viewpoints”. It is almost as if in order to totally understand the universe (to the largest extent possible) it takes all sentient beings communicating. Lacking telepathy, we have to have rules for conversing [see Kesh’s excellent Wittgenstein post], and those very rules are the thing that disallow our understanding.
The existence of this entity would at least go against logic (to my lights) as well as beyond logic. To know everything in practice one would have to know one’s own practices or be what some here have called a ‘disembodied consciousness’. Neither possibility seems tenable to me. I don’t know. What do you think?