Depends who you are. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth.” Nietzsche would cringe at this. “Do not seek your treasure in the things of this world, but in eternal things.” What about atheists, who’ve only got one shot at life?
Don’t get me wrong, I like Jesus Christ’s teachings, particularly his Golden Rule.
Is your god truely benivolant if he can’t forgive souls for their acts in their milisecond of a lifetime on earth that he would send them to hell for an eterinity?
The “meek” do inherit the Earth. Take a look around sometime. The majority are quite content to live under the rules of others and do the same routine every day. Like cattle.
Seeking forgiveness is understanding you are wrong, and have a desire for a better way. If you are unwilling to change, then I have a can’t understanding how you can be forgiven.
This is the most narrow-minded response I have ever read. See, that’s the problem with your God; it’s his way or the highway. A benevolent God wouldn’t constrict his creation to a ‘this or that’ path. If He really loved his creation, wouldn’t He let it be free to determine it’s own life, rather than limit it to choosing heaven or hell?
What if we are wrong? Well, what if you are wrong? Did you ever think about that?
=D> Very well said. It sounds so much more plausible. Surely diversity complements there being something rather than just God! Goodness may well be important, but that by no means precludes diversity in other respects.
I certainly understand that I don´t know much. Therefore I don´t make postulations willy-nilly, let alone throw faith into one particular set of ideas. It doesn´t make sense to assume you must have faith in one answer when you don´t understand the/any answer(s). Your assurances sound a lot like a placebo prescription for an epistomological hypochondriac. I´ll put faith in my best mate picking me up after work. What I sure won´t do is extend faith as far as conceivable - to the origins of the universe and all included! Speculation and, at a push, belief, are as far as I go.
Choose your own path? What if the path you choose was the hell of your own creation. But that’s a mute point because the true fate of those who are caloused/stuborn enough to hate God’s ways, is to be extinguished from life after the thousand years of peace.
It’s funny because the demonic forces who use psychics to help guide their desires,… they cannot psychically read God, and are naturally blinded to their fate.
Why would God allow the stuborn to residually bring down his believers?