If we could agree that the feeling of evolution on a person, from his individual point of view, could be directly connected to his achievements in life (material/psychological)…
And if we consider that achievements are important for each person to feel motivated to continue living…
Then motivation will deliver one of the many feelings we translate has happiness.
Would be reasonable to fit feeling of evolution (individual prespective) into happiness defenition?
Please note that I connect Evolution to achievements, that is for example:
college degree;
well paid job;
Every person feels happiness when aquire anything. That makes her feel more complete. Or shall i say ‘Improved’?
For example, those who are interested in philosophy will come to IPL and find great material to help them improve their knowledge. They do that because completes them. Thus, they evolve.
So my questions were merely if people, in genereal, do feel happy when they evolve.
Yes, evolution is happiness for mammals which can feel pleasure, because, their entire body will try to serve what is pleasurable, and thus, what is most addicting/pleasing will be what is naturally selected.
Sex was naturally selected because it was fun, or, fun was naturally selected because it was sex, or, during various random mutations, eventually, the animals which enjoyed SEX more [sexsexsex], had MORE SEXXxxx, and as such, produced more babiez, thus were naturally selected, because they were “superior” [outnumbering].
On the other hand, old age was naturally selected, and genetic mechanisms which cause the body to stop repairing itself/die, were naturally selected because FUCK YOU DARWIN!, and also, they were naturally selected because they did not need to be selected or deselected, because lifespan and being alive isn’t really a factor in natural selection. Just check the telomer caps on only SOME and not all of your cells. =D> that’s just some fantastic selection there, after BILLIONS OF YEARS OF RANDOM MUTATIONS. YAAAY! LOok out for that carbon!
Yep yep yeypepyepyepe.
eEEEEE vO LUTION = happiness.
We’ve got billions of years to work with here, so we should all be pretty damn happy by now.
I think acquaviva is using the word more in terms of “change”. Not strictly biological. Using “evolve” as synonymous for “change”, then certainly everyone is evolving.
Are you speaking in terms of “achieving goals” as a person evolving or changing? I think that there is something to be enjoyed in simple “motivation” to achieve goals, change or evolve. Even if you haven’t achieved anything.
Sometimes it seems that the word “evolve” is looked upon only as “positive development” or “getting better” in some way. I just looked at dictionary.com’s definitions and I didn’t really see anything that talked of evolution as being positive. It is simply “To undergo gradual change” or to “develop”. Evolving is not positive, nor negative. Development for one thing into a new form can mean disaster for something else. In these terms, it is closely synonymous with the word “change”. And change can be bad, good, or irrelevant, depending on perspective.
My apologies, acquaviva, for misunderstanding you.
bdhanes makes good points on this; a pleasure with change and vice versa connection is oversimplified. Change, even positive change, can be painful, and some people rather like stability.
Yes, but, change is not “evolution”. The word “change” existed far before Darwin cranked out “the theory of evolution”; That’s why I decided to bitch about the choice of words.
Happiness is a qualitative assumption, entirely anthropomorphic. I can say that my spider plant is happy when it appears healthy. In doing so I’m presuming to define happiness by analogy to my own states of health and happiness, which may have nothing to do with complexifications of organisms over geological time (evolution). Is this definition an accurate description of the plant’s well-being? I think not; but I’ll go along for the ride. The spider plant does all sexual things by itself. It sends you green greetings.
A newt is not happy, because it lacks the capacity
(and concern) for happiness.
btw: Hey, my real name, I sure hate to be the one to tell you this,
but there is something seriously wrong with you, friend!