Is Evolution True?

Hasn’t the eye been well documented, you can track the form of the brain (and thus the size of the visual cortex if relatives exist) or look at some well preserved specimen, or some living fossils.

Light sensitive patches gives you a distinct advantage, combine different colour sensitivities and you get to actually seeing stuff etc…

Why would it be a bad idea to teach ID in public schools?
You have no evidence of GOD.
You have no evidence of Jesus.

I don’t believe in evolution.
I believe in the teachings of Jesus.
See the difference?

Do you believe God created DNA?
Why would God create something so useless.

You don’t understand evolution?
Do you understand why parallels meet at infinity?
Do you understand Chinese?
Do you know if electric particles create electric fields or wise versa?
Do you believe that all Chinese will turn off the light and meet at infinity?

If you don’t believe in evolution stop doing it!

Oh, you did already!

The same reason it would be a bad idea to teach that the ultimate constituents of the universe, are bologna, and ham… with a little parmesian cheese sprinkled on top.

Evolution is true, but the Darwinistic selection principle is false!

Consciousness is the driver of evolution. Without it, we would not exist. Essentially, we “created” evolution. Evolution is the sum result of random processes with random goals, and eventually, due to an infinite amount of potential and zero amount of time, the random goal of consciousness was reached. This implies, that our universe only formed because of consciousness, and that we are on our planet, because this is the one planet after billions that formed consciousness.

However, this is not the case. Why does consciousness inherently need resource consumption? Why does life require a constant form to maintain consciousness? Solar system does not have complexity, grain of sand does nos not have complexity. Only life has sufficient complexity to form consciousness, and that is the only reason in grows, because in all of the worlds where complexity did not grow, there was no consciousness. Therefore consciousness is the cause of complexity, and complexity is the cause of consciousness. To maintain this complexity, our bodies require to transform matter into parts of their bodies, resource consumption. Resource consumption appears to be needed or else it results in static entities, rocks, or uncomplex moving entities, bodies of water. But perhaps it is possible to impregnate water with consciousness someday, since our bodies are after all mostly water.

My prior assertion, that Earth was the origin planet of consciousness, is more or less true. But Earth is not the origin planet of life itself, it is possible that unconscious intelligent lifeforms visited our planet, terraformed it, and impregnated it with life, many years ago. This seems to violate Occams Razor, however, the concept that evolution has an inherent perogative of creating structures (creatures) of increasing complexity and resource consumption seems to avoid Occams Razor as well.

Everlooshun is bad m’kay. Coz God did it y’all.
Not much of an argument is it?

If ‘unique abilities’ is so special, how did god do it. And who did god?

He predicted the need for genetics though, which speaks highly of his understanding of the process.