Is experience all?

one experience is not like another experience…

(and if a tree falls in the woods the squirrel gets pissed)


Don’t remember ever making that claim…

Lets close this thread shall we? Nice talking to you imp. Do you have any idea where the great Master might hang out? Has he by any cance disguised himself as a fair young lady?

I have no clue…


We measure in relation to perfect things? Plato would be most enthralled… but many advances in thought have replaced him in this aspect.

We cannot relate to perfect things because we can have no concept of a perfect thing. They don’t exist, we can only guess at what one might be.

We actually compare things to previous experiences of related objects (Hume laid the foundation of psychology with this principle). For example, one does not have a universal concept of an apple, only correlated characteristics previously experienced and accumulated that tell you it is a said apple. To look more in depth into this example, you notice that an object is red and retains a certain shape, so you take the next bold step to taste it, upon which time you undoubtedly find that the object is an apple from previous experience. You become so accustomed to these assumptions that you end up not noticing them. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the apple aren’t compared with the perfect concept of an apple you were born with, because you weren’t born with it.

The ideals you have are created from accumulated experiences, not from birth. It’s a logical fallacy to believe such a thing. Descartes is long dead.