Cool video Jakob, shame you didn’t get to really run with it because there’s some promise there. I’m impressed by the visual quality of the thing too - what are/were you using?
Faust comes across roughly how I imagined him, but probably not how he imagines I imagine him. We can second guess all day.
He joined a new forum with other people who got tired of alot of peoples crap on here I think, or felt it was time to change, it was done privately and invitations were sent out to those worthy I suppose, … none of you got invited?
Glad you old boys liked it. I hope to finish it someday, though.
Siatd: it was the same camera I shot the muslim and Ollie stuff with. The light was just richer there than it is in Holland when there are no 17th century skies.
If you’re talking of the acmephilosophy forum, that’s closed down.
I thought he was a drinker-smoker, and an older guy, so I was a little worried about him.
I never really got to talk with him much… not as much as I would have wanted to. I also figure chat is better than forum posting, as misunderstandings can be rectified more quickly over life messaging.
He and I went out to dinner last night and then to a movie. He is just fine. Faust is hard to keep up with — he is very attentive except you have to deal with all those calls on his cell phone from pesky young women. He is quite popular, you know -for an old guy.
see and this is why i dislike poetry, xandarman, you bastard , you start with word play that means nothing, and end with a lie. if faust was dead (and he’s not, he just sold his soul to the devil) then he would be dead, he would not lie eternal, he’s just dead. and death is not a physical being, it can not die, can gravity die… no! this statement of yours means nothing, it tries to sound pretty but fails.
I don’t know Imp, he seems to be rather disenfranchised with the religious establishment … isn’t that a direct correlation to socialist/commie sympathising?