Is having more than one wife unconstitutional?

Why has US, passed a law that you can only have only one wife? But you are given the right to divorce( anytime)?

IS it to restrain population growth?

I can’t think of anywhere in the Constitution where I mentions how many spouses you can have.

Ask Gobbo. He won’t know, but he’ll use his ignorance as some way to prove that the aliens will be here in 6 years.

then why would someone be prosecuted for having 2 wife. particular to us citizen.

I seen this in jerry springler show.

And read something in mormons, taking more than 1 wife.

Dan1789, there is a difference between an act being unconstitutional and that same act being illegal. There are in fact very few ways in which your average citizen can do something that is unconstitutional–discriminating based on race is a rare example–but a myriad of ways in which he can do something illegal. In all states, as far as I know, polygamy is criminalized in bigamy laws, thus making the act of taking multiple spouses illegal.

Lol, 'cept Ohio. :wink:

Dan you want more than one wife? Go get a thermometer you sound feverish. While I agree that you should be able to marry whom you want and how ever many you want at one time. It should be noones business what consenting adults do. there were some valid reasons, but mostly this kind of falls towards religious blue laws and fiscal reasons. There is one reason why states out West enacted laws.

Way back, remember your history here in the USA. Men out numbered the women the further west you got. Picture a Mormon guy with a wagon full of women, all his and noone elses. yep, that is how problems got started and how sheep lost their innocence along with a few mules,horses cows and a coyote or two. A few wagons of untouchable females sure got laws changed in a hurry out west. I think it was the livestock that did the complaining, those men never ever bathed.

In my admittedly limited experience, one wife was one too many. :wink: I can’t fathom why you’d want to multiply the misery.

As a registered Libertarian I’d say most of the tens of thousands of pages of laws in this country are superfluous and/or unconstitutional. Granted, the Constitution gives Congress the ability & the right to draft laws, which they have done ad infinitum. It’s practically their only job, and no one likes to look like they’re not doing anything, so we get a flood of mindless, pointless regulation & red tape.

So far as I can note, no passage of the Constitution gives a person any affirmative right to have more than one spouse. It doesn’t guarentee a right to the pursuit of unhappiness. :wink:

such wierd laws, laws should be abandon all together. :unamused:

Perhaps you’re right, Dan1066. I studied a little Chinese Dynastic law, and a bit of Confucianism was involved. Are you familiar with the Li? If so, do you have an opinion or remark you’d care to share with us. (Don’t worry, I don’t care how you get the point across, I will try to understand.)

Don’t be rude and insulting towards Gobbo.

Multiple marriages is illegal here but it’s not against the constitution… you can be with many parnets at the same time but you can only legally count one as your marrage-mate, due to tax issues and such. If you could marry everybody your taxes would go down for that, it would be like a scam that they don’t want to happen.


That’s crazy. :laughing: Fidelity is crazy too. Sexual interaction simply gives pleasure to persons, it does not change a relationship which already exists. And no, I don’t think your genetals can be owned by non-self.

The more years I have been married, I think it is a smashing idea. Women and men are sharing the household responsiblities more and more, but not enough in my book. I want to be the wife who cooks and shares the marital bed. The other wife can do the dishes and launder my bed sheets. :smiley:

Polyamory is even more complex and requires even more emotional balance then monogamy does. Monogamy is the simpler system and that’s why it’s common. Humans can barely even look after themselves, nvm looking after kids and their partner, but despite the task becoming easier when split up between multiple partners, monogamous relationships are prefered because persons want to own eachother and secure eachother for the sake of their need for something relyable. If humans were not as insecure they would not need as much faith and fidelity.

Okay, then I would take monogamy within a commune. Why do you think there are so many divorces today? Two people can’t take all the responsibility - they leave the marriage looking for Mr/Ms Goodbar only to find out that they are in the same boat as before. Commune life would eliminate the chaos and pressure not to mention the Pottery Barn wannabe lifestyle.

I am opting for fidelity within a commune with no mall in site. I am gathering information on organic gardening on google tonight. The suburbs be damned.

  • Under-developed, degenorating problem-solving-skills. [due to extreme industrial specialization]
  • Imbalance in planetary EM field effecting and imbalancing the brain-wave algorithms which usually flow at the same ULF rate as the earth.
  • Too much polution in the air, water and food, causing more physical and mental imbalance.
  • Petty, sensationalist media fueling petty, sensationalist mentalities within the petty, sensationalist public.

Well, people do not take pleasure in eachother anymore. They now take most of their pleasure in corporate products, mass-media, etc. Thus the corporations and the mass-media get stronger, whilst the love, then unity and the family gets weaker.

Dan, I need a Chakra reading from your squiggle.

Make your green energy brighter, and make it spread througout your whole body. The green is the heart-chakra’s color. I advise you to make that green brighter, whiter and then equally distribute that auric color throughout your whole body.

I will push for more green in my aura. I’m feeling a liitle blue, you know.

Any tips on making it happen?