Is Iambiguous...

Like anything else in this world Biggie we are the sum of our own life experiences and it is through those life experiences that we develop our set of beliefs, values, or perceptions. Was I wrong on many issues that caused me to change my beliefs? Yes, but it was I that came to the conclusion that I was wrong and nobody else. Self introspection works wonders.

Nobody is 100% right on everything all the time, but you then take that as meaning there is no right or wrong altogether.

[And yet posit ironically that the neo-liberal position on everything is right all the time. :sunglasses: ]

You’re too hooked on what is right or wrong, I no longer have this problem anymore because by doing so you really miss out on the substances of life everywhere else and in between. It’s like stumbling in the dark with a small flashlight, a complete waste of time and unproductive if you were to ask me.

That’s it? All the points I raised above and all the possible avenues in which to explore them…and this is all you’re got to say?

After all, anyone can say that about their life.

Anyone can claim to “introspectively” have become all of those things you and I once were and believe we are now.

But there’s still this part:

And this part:

And this part:

And especially this part:

Or, sure, we can both just go back into Stooge mode.

No, you over complicate simple basic human manners or dispositions that need not be very complicated at all. That’s why so called nihilists are by and large very much ignored by a large majority of the population because people are too busy living to actually even care. :sunglasses: You’re a knit picker always making a mountain out of a mole hill and people watching you ask why you even bother to begin with. But, it is your time to waste after all and knowing you you’ll continue to do so anyways.

Whatever he is, he didn’t last long when I spelled out Objectivism to him in plain terms that even he could try to engage in philosophically.

Therefore he is a GROOTinist.

He’s a neo-liberal pretend nihilist, we really need to start using this label for now on addressing him.

Also, for Peter we’ll start calling him a Marxist in disguise of an American democrat. I think these are important labels for the forum board now. Feel free to share them with everybody.

Urwrongx1000: Whatever he is, he didn’t last long when I spelled out Objectivism to him in plain terms that even he could try to engage in philosophically.

Therefore he is a GROOTinist.
Z: He’s a neo-liberal pretend nihilist, we really need to start using this label for now on addressing him.
Also, for Peter we’ll start calling him a Marxist in disguise of an American democrat. I think these are important labels for the forum board now. Feel free to share them with everybody.

K: two things, first, calling me a marxist would be wrong, I’m not, but on the bright
side, you would at least be consistent…ly wrong

but the more interesting thing is this need for labels… the need
for labels is the need to absolve one of thinking… for example,
by calling someone a Marxist, it means you don’t have to think about
their position, just call them a Marxist and you have ended thinking
about who they are and what idea’s they have… it is an easy tactic
to dismiss someone, oh, he is a Marxist, or democrat or Liberal…

your actual engagement is with the label instead of that person’s
actual thought…by calling me a Marxist, and I’m not, but then
you can A. dismiss any thought as to my real position and it is
B. a very easy way to avoid thinking about someone…
I don’t have to think about you because you have been labeled,
a Marxist or liberal or whatever… we can end any real discussion about
idea’s or positions or facts, because you have been labeled…

I don’t need to think about you… you have been labeled…

the need to label someone says far more about you then it does about me
and it doesn’t say anything good about you…


Yeah, Peter, you’re just wrong.

This new non-binary craze about sexually being labeless is absurd.

There only 3 sexes (male, female, hermaphrodite)

From those 3 sexes, there are only 12 genders.

One possible gender is falling in love with and having sex with a fucking paper bag!!! Trust me, they’ve ALL been found!!

This shit is all binary whether you like it or not.

You may not be a Marxist. Make that argument. Under no circumstances though, don’t try to tell humans that you have no label.

You may have invented something new called ‘peterism’. Make your argument.

Note to others:

Did you really expect anything different?

I give him a chance to examine and to explore his own sense of self in far greater depth than this pinhead Zero_Brains caricature he plays here will ever go. And, apparently, will ever allow himself to go. And he backs down.

Why? Well, he, as with so many other of the fulminating fanatics here, has too much invested in being this “mile wide and an inch deep” cartoon character…mostly out on the extreme right end of the political spectrum.

Just from the perspective of intelligent discussion and debate, they make a mockery of why this philosophy community was created in the first place.

But, hey, that’s just their “thing”, right?

I invite members to go here: … 5&t=196492

You tell me how long I lasted against him in regard to objectivism. :laughing:

Again, with minds this shallow, it’s all just entertainment for me.

Again, if I do so so myself. :wink:

edir - Wrong thread. - edit

Kropotkin when is Costco gonna offer a new line of boots?