Is ILP an Online Church of The New Thought Movement ?

Ever heard of the New Thought Movement ? - It seems perfectly suited to those who might consider themselves agnostic philosophical thinkers.

So, is a New-Thought-Religion ? . . .

. . . and how does that question sit with the atheists who frequent/worship at this site ? :slight_smile:

:confused: Uhm
 I don’t know how you personally catagorize “agnosticism”, but it doesn’t have anything to do with panentheism. I don’t see how you can begin to catagorize a website as ANY kind of religion whatsoever.

Perhaps I misinterpreted panentheism then. Although I thought panentheism included all and any beliefs, except for total atheism.

Literally panentheism means all-in-God. As I understand it, it also means God-in-all. It is the belief that God is both transcendent and immanent. God is not identical with the universe as in pantheism. God is all-encompassing and yet present within everything.

Interesting . . . I certainly don’t believe in any one-supreme-being[God], unless Earth was terra-formed by a lone alien.

I think I’ll stick with my own religious theory [ [size=84]expressed in my current sig as - " God is an invisible cloud of gut-feel memes "[/size] ] - It makes me feel relatively OK about things in general and probably has a lot in common with Buddhism.

Also, see Fourteen unanswerable questions . . . Some questions should be answered only with silence. I like it.

P.S. - I think the term ’ GOD ’ should be removed/replaced in all belief systems, except for mono-theistic beliefs; it creates too much confusion.

But replace it with what

P.P.S. - I still think an online-forum can be viewed as a place of worship.

We are worshipping wisdom.

Philosophy - love of wisdom. Ilovephilosophy - I love love of wisdom (?). Since we’re all on here, and we all love wisdom, I think it would be reasonable to say we all ‘worship’ wisdom.

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Zen monk and author whose writings can provide an entrance into the reality of meditation. He has found many commonalities between Buddhism and Chrisitanity. His book Living Buddha , Living Christ engages in a spiritual dialogue with Christianity that I found helpful.

Helpful in what way ?

I hope you’re not trying to [size=134]save[/size] me . . . If so I’m not really interested.

Are you a Christian ?

Helpful in understanding interbeing.

I recommended a book I liked written by a Buddhist. I read widely. Are you paranoid?

I resist labeling myself. It’s so confining. You?

Which one? There have been 243,886,001 “new thought movements” since the dawn of civilization and language. The history of these civilizations consist of class struggles. The “new thought movements” that did not bolster the end to class distinction either helped make it worse, or were irrelevent. However, because of the enormous intellectual inequality between men and classes, people actually thought they were on to something when each new thought movement arrived.

OMG! Its the trans-holoquantic dimensional accelerator! The new science. There’s even a God to go with it!

OMG! They’ve discovered new scrolls in the desert! Now we know what Jesus meant!

OMG! Its the Mayan crystal orgonite calender space system! Aliens exist! The history and fate of man is finally revealed!

And yet
nothing happens but more poverty, more exploitation, and more generation of capitalist parasites. This happens behind the nonsense that is believed to be radically new information that will “change the world.”

For instance, here at ILP. Take the religious fanatics that run wild in the religion forum. In reality they are not doing anything but 1) making matters worse, or 2) being irrelevent, but they are not helping anything, because the only thing that is help is ending capitalism.

In the last three years, Uccisore has done nothing but worked, produced wastes, paid his bills, and bought commodites that were made through exploited labour. While he believes he is coming to awareness of, and teaching, some profound religious fact. He is not, and will not. There is nothing like that to be found.

The greatest thing about these people in this religion forum is that they become examples of what should not happen. Now how’s that for optimism? Even the irrelevents can be useful.

I’m not paranoid !!? . . . It’s just that you all - [size=134]think[/size] - I am. :angry:

But seriously though, I did suspect a hidden agenda . . . as I had expressed a passing interest in Buddhism and you responded with a book designed to take me from there to Jesus.

With regard to reading, I currently don’t read books at all; haven’t done for years. Also, I’ve never read any philosophical works but suspect that I’ve most likely absorbed a lot of philosophical thought via cultural osmosis over the years.

Am I a Christian? . . .
No, although I was raised as a Roman Catholic. But I stopped going to mass in my early teens [20 years ago].

I don’t really know what I am right now . . . or what I’ll be next week.

Dogma is for suckers . . . I’m my own Daddy.

Clearly you’re already a member, detrop . . . whether you like it or not.

No, I’m a double-agent. I came to ILP on a small raft, at midnight, with only the mandatory field gear issued for reconnaissance missions dealing with “philosophers”. I’ve only a few targets, and the rest of my time I collect data.

Remember this only: you will think I am who I want you to think I am.

[detrop throws a smoke bomb and dissappears]

Do you believe that you knew what you thought ?

Are you unaware of what you forgot ?

[ silence ]

Come, my child . . . . . . a magical journey awaits you.

P.S. - There is now an entrance fee to this thread " 5 Euros " - Please send payment details to my email.

Hey detrop,

Just curious, but when does banging on any particular drum become a “religion”? When does the defeat of capitalism become the new dogma of the soldier/priest religion of Marxism? :wink:

The problem is the same regardless the label. You gotta be somewhere. A rose by any other name is still

You philiosiphors are starting to make less and less sense.