is it possible to curve a bullet?

I watched the movie “Wanted” and this guy made a bullet curve around Jolie’s head by swinging his arm and twisting the gun right before firing it

is this possible at all?

Yahoo says Noooooo

I’m itching to see that film though…

Not possible.

That film was ridiculous. The final scene is just laughable, y’know with the circle of people :unamused:…i’m trying to not give too much away for those who are waiting to watch…and the rats too! :laughing:

The round will still leave the barrel in a straight line.

Bullets do not have fins and it would have to be a very very slow bullet. Which really would sort defeat the purpose of a bullet.

of course you can curve the path of a bullet…

just shoot it across a black hole and let gravity do the job


I think it’s possible, though the curve would be slight. When you rotate the gun, you impart angular momentum to it, and the bullet within. When the bullet leaves the gun, it will maintain a portion of the angular momentum from the whole system (the gun and bullet together). Combined with the rotation about the axis of the barrel, the angulr momentum could turn the bullet enough that the rotation was perpendicular to the direction of travel, which should increase the force to one side or the other provided by air pressure, and curving the path of the bullet.

But the bullet could never travel in a straight line. Only if it came out of the barrel already at an angle, then you could see it going somewhere other than straight. But if it came out and went straight, then curved out of nowhere in the air, I’d have to suspect some computer animation was in the mix. Plus I dunno man. Most gun barrels are rifled. As in, they have grooved cut into the inside of the barrel which create a spin on the bullet as it leaves the barrel. It’d take a hell of a twist from the wrist to defeat the intended path of the bullet especially when it’s coming at the kind of velocity that a bullet can have.

If you carved an inbananced spiral onto the bullet ou could make it curve and wobble slightly.

You could create areo dynamic features on the bullet to produce lift in whatever direction you wanted.

Im skeptical about the effects of turning the gun while shooting, the bullet exits so fast that the relatively the gun is still motionless.

Basically the movie was total bs, talkin shit about prophetic cloth, shooting the wings off flies, and the completely illogical ability to “make your heart beat real fat” somehow gave them the power to throw the laws of physics out the window.

The story line itself was like some crappy hour long hollywood hogwash show. Jack Bauer would have been at home.

I rate the film a 3 out of ten, for spending way to much money on something that fucking sucked.

you did NOT just disrespect the Bauer

If i was on the show “24” i would be the ass hole head guy who suspends Jack and conspires with terrorists to have him murdered.

Jack cannot be killed

he’s a little above all of his human counter parts


I can curve a bullet.

I take the bullet, put it in my hand and throw it in an arc motion.

Wanted = 100% fantasy, and not a great movie either.