Is it profitable to market human body parts?

The reason I ask this, is because of the demand of kidney donors, and other organs.

But then why would human cloning research stop? Will it hurt the republicans or drug companies and their stocks?

I’m sorry, you may not understand my question if you are not a capitalist.

It would probably be extremely profitable, but selling organs is illegal in the US. Perhaps it happens elsewhere.

There’s a body part trade active in certain parts of the world that believe they’re useful for witch-doctor type stuff. China supposedly uses organs from captured Fulan Gong folks for transplants, but I can’t think of an example of a legal trade in human parts for medical purposes. Lots of reasons not to do it.

If it belongs to you, you should be able to sell it. And if you are dead your family should be able to sell your organs, Hell, your family gets the bill for removing them from you anyway if you are an organ donor. So you should be able to sell em, it is property rights.

I have a slightly used Liver that has been constantly properly sterilized with alcohol for just over 20 yrs now, it has been properly aged and should still have another 40 maybe 20 yrs left on it, possibly 10. Any Takers? It will only cost you 79,000$ its a steal at any price. :laughing:

Yes, it’s very profitable. I had a roommate once who made a good living off digging up corpses and selling their skulls. He made around 25 pound sterling per item. No joke. That’s dead body parts. I imagine live ones are worth more than that - but harder to come by, more professional risks involved, etc plus aquiring a skull when it is still alive would take some schooling, which comes with a price tag.

I see cloning as possibly very profitable, especially when combined with artisitc expression in genetics. There should be millions of rich but ugly or unhealthy people willing to pay millions to have their brains transported to an enhanced version of themselves, for example with good skin, nice muscular structure, a facial makeover, enhanced genetalia, and later on with wings, arm-cannons, and the likes.

Do I sound like I’m joking? I think it’s funny in a bizarre way, but not unreaslistic, since it will certainly be very profitable.

Then what is the problem? The republicans? The rich people does not want more competetion?

the inherant risks are the problem outside polatics, as it stands we cannot yet clone an individual body part, eg. heart, we would need to develop further in order to do so effectivly. the costs of operating a sterile laboratory in which to do so would mean that the cloned organs would likely be very expensive.

As for selling living organs, if you were to open a market their would be a good reason for people to kill other people to sell those organs, it would make sense though to pay those who donate organs, or at least their family members, that way it would be easyer to regulate and their would be less of a need for black marketeering.

Even now people buy and sell organs on the black market, I heard that a kidney sells for $10,000, then bribing the medical staff and other such things make it unprofitable unless you are in dire need.

This thread makes me happy. : )

Should you also be able to sell your right to vote?


ummmm, who do you want me to vote for? We’ll discuss terms later. :wink:

There was a recent scandal of a “clearing house” for organ replacements, run by a doctor deliberately providing false information as to the source and condtion of the organs supplied. The doctors receiving the organs were of course, not aware of the fallacies. :unamused: Everyone denied any knowledge of the practice, all condemned it, but I didn’t see any offers of refunds. Trade in body parts from the third world has been known for years. A starving family in India could live for years on the sale of one kidney. Hey, I can afford to live on one if the price is right… The field of medicine has its’ unethical members just like an other. If the money is right…

Human bodies are not property.

No, see mine is my property, I even have the marks to prove it. And when my husband dies his body disposal becomes my responsibility therefore I own the thing, he won’t care a whit if I sell some of his used organs, he won’t need them anymore. Now there should be laws about selling organs. You must state when advertising your organs if they are new or used and in what condition.

Generally folks won’t go around killing family members for organ money, I mean if you are worried about that, then you need to uh, check on how you are treating your family don’t you think? And if say those closest to you have an addiction of some sort you might have cause to worry, true. Just fake ill health and organ problems when they come around. Devalue yourself.


You’re making the assumption that there are going to be some usable parts left over. I’ve used and abused this 'ol bod to the point that there isn’t much left of value to anyone. Hmmm, I’m starting to get depressed… :frowning:

If it were your property, you would be able at law to sell it. You cannot, therefore it is not your property.

Well, there has to be a market for tissue or muscle maybe limbs or uh digits? I will just have to put put his body on EBay and see what I can get.

His teeth polished up would be in fine shape. He has a goodly amount of thick curly hair so maybe use it as plugs? Forget the brain though, he has been married to a redhead, so that part will be too worn out or infected with insanity.


IF my organs are part of me, isn’t it true that it belongs to me. So how can you say, that it don’t andI have no right to sell my own organs?
ARe those organs belong to God, are we the property of God?
Or are we just trading organs for a profit or risk. like the stock market.

IF my organs are not of my property, who is it then? Why can’t we sell it? Or maybe we can rent our bodies for other people, like prostitues.

Property is not solely a legal concept; otherwise, you’d be 100% correct.

So if your own body isn’t yours…then who’s is it?? exactly, you don’t know. It’s no one’s but your own.

So what the hell are you gonna do with your kidney when you die?? letting it rot is the only thing you will be doing with it. so why not help out someone else?? I bet if you were dying needing a donor you would sure as hell want one.


I base my opinion on the fact that property had to exist before property law could be developed.

Also, it is legal in some places to treat your body as property and ‘lease it’ if not sell it. Your conclusion doesn’t jibe with reality.

Therefore, you are wrong Navigator. In the sense that our organs does not belongs to us.

But I also believe in the sense that our organs don’t belong to us. Maybe you can clarify this for me in the future.


 Nonono, that's not how it works.  How it works is, my company gives you X amount of money, and my CEO gets to vote on your behalf- so he gets 2 votes from now on, and you don't get any.  Well, technically my CEO gets however many votes he's purchased. 

I love this thread for it's naivety.  If people can think of something they aren't allowed to do, that must mean they aren't 'free', and someone is at fault.  If someone is at fault for a lack of freedom, it must be Republicans. I only wish people I disagreed with were always that simple. 

Here's why we ought not be allowed to sell our organs, even though as a conservative capitalist, I should be the LAST person who had to come in here and explain it to anybody. 

 All human lives are worth the same- that is, a rich person's life is not worth more than a poor person's life.  If you disagree with that, the rest of my argument falls apart, so think hard on that one. 

  Now, if someone has [i]sold[/i] something, that means necessarily that someone else [i]bought[/i] it. Who bought it? Necessarily, someone with the funds to afford it. 
 So, will organs be expensive or cheap? I can't prove that, but let me hazard a guess- those of you who were drooling with dollar signs in your eyes over the prospect of selling your own or your dead spouse's organs, were you picturing selling them for the kind of money that a person working minimum wage could afford? I didn't think so. 
  So who gets the organs, and who has to wait?
  Now. Not all Kidneys were created equal.  And hell, even if they were, not all kidneys remain equal by the time we decide to sell them.  Wear and tear, and all that. Are the lungs of a smoker worth as much as the lungs of a non-smoker? I can't see why they would be.  Now, repeat the process above. 
   So, who gets the organs, and who has to wait?
   Who gets the good quality organs, and who has to make due with the shoddy stuff?

    If you'd never considered [i]DONATING[/i] your organs for free, but the idea of raking in cash over them has your interest piqued, you're an ass. 
   If you support the idea of selling your organs, and also support things like nationalized health care, you simply haven't thought this through.