Is it written in stone?

I’m just curious to see what others think about this. I believe that the outcome of things is not written in stone and the possibility’s are absolutely limitless. I think it is so because in my mind I can’t imagine a universe as robust as ours in existence with a known outcome for everything. Would there be a point of simply living as we are if our every step has been decided since before the big bang. I think not because it would not be interesting from the point of view of simply being. The universe seems so dynamic and unpredictable, everything is stirring and moving all the time almost as if it is designed to not stay still at all. How much control would one have over “destiny” or lack of control?

no, it was designed that way only to make you feel that it couldn’t have been pre-determined, but it actually was…


That sounds like a solid answer. Any insight on about the architect and why? Such a design would seem pointless and so would everything in it. Like a game of chess or football, a roll of dice, with a known outcome.

I have no clue as to the architect nor the reason why…

the hand has been dealt, so I play my cards…

but which game to play? aye, there’s the rub…


Any idea why you think it is this way? Like the logic behind it or the feeling.
When I was a kid around 4-5 I used to look at my arm and think… I can move it up or down, left or right, forward or backwards, but where should I move it and why should I move it there. Since before I moved it I was thinking about where to move it just to see if I have the choice in the matter. After I moved it in my desired direction I had no more choices for that particular decision of where to move it. If you look back you can change anything, and you cant look forward so the only place left is the present. It is said that all the choices are made. lets say someone will not eat liver so when someone offers it will be no. Perhaps it is something similar to things a person never anticipated like to write a reply to a post or not. I made my choices :slight_smile:.

because I do… whether I made myself feel this way or it was pre-determined I would feel this way is an irrelevant, unanswerable question. logic is a game that produces no winners…


rules say everything is predestined we are just along for the ride.