is life ultimately meaningless

i don’t think so.
Because i believe in immortality, i believe in physical immortality.

man are made to be immortals, no matter when you die or how you die.
it doesn’t even matter if u were ever born or not, everything is immortal.
everything is in the hands of god.

we are gods. we are immortals.

have faith guys.

define “meaning”

Of course it depends upon what you mean by meaning, but if, as is usual, the question is ‘is there any point to life’ then I suppose the answer you give will depend upon your view of your own particular life (plenty of people claim to see no point to their own life) but for my part my answer will always be ‘yes’.

Nothing grand, I don’t believe in any sort of huge end purpose of humanity or life itself, I just feel that the point of my life is the goals and purposes that I give to myself. If I feel my life is worth living, which I do, then I certainly feel it has a point, and has meaning.

You can go even further with this and ask if there is a point or purpose for “consciousness.”

You can have life without it. Personaly I dont believe in purpose or fate or anything like that. I think life is just the assimilation of atoms and molecules trying to reach a low state of enthalpy.

Conciousness on the other hand… well… as of now its an unsolved mystery.

For me I dont ask “whats the point?”
I ask “Whats the function?”

I wouldn’t say consciousness is the sort of thing that can have a function, it just is. Certainly not a function in the sense that something is built for a particular purpose, as in a computer or a car. That would require some kind of creator or intelligent designing process and I don’t believe in that. As for the other sense of function, in that it wasn’t created for a particular function but serves one anyway, all that would mean is that it is used for a particular thing, as in an animal uses a tree for scratching itself but it wasn’t designed for that function. In that sense, its only function would be what the object having a particular consciousness made use of it for, i.e. living in general.

So, in the proper sense consciousness hasn’t got a function, it just is. In a narrower sense, its function is whatever it is used for.

“Function” just means what something does, or can do. In all cases (at least I think all) consciousness has a function. It allows organisms to choose which food to eat, what friends to make, what TV shows to watch… Which ultimately help determine the amounts of endorphines that are released into your body.

“Purpose” on the other hand… This implies the necessity of some other consciousness applying a particular function to an object or organism.

A can opener can have multiple functions: eye gouge, tire slasher, paper weight, bottle cap remover, nail clipper, wrist slitter…
But a can opener definitely has a purpose. Ezra Warner of Waterbury, Connecticut was the first to patent it, thus breathing purpose into all things labled as “can openers.”

Without Ezra Warner, the would never have been a such thing as “the purpose for a can opener.” Although it would have been valid to say “the can opener has a function”, until Ezra there was no “purpose”.

The same can be said about life. Life has a function. It can be used to accomplish many goals. It is illogical to say that life has a purpose until you prove that life had a creator; a CONSCIOUS being that created life. Not just created life, but freaking INVENTED it.

No inventor = No purpose… Only function.