Is Nancy Pelosi a terrorist?

Is Nancy Pelosi a(n):

  • terrorist
  • idiot
  • both
0 voters

Or is she just incompetent?
She wants to take away the funds for our troops, and she’s having fun time in Syria. I’m undecided on the issue, so please vote as I feel the need to gain some philosophical insight into what seems at first glance to be treason. If you disagree, try not to be so long winded about it. A good point should lend itself to a straightforward explanation. Thank you for your time. -Scott

Dear Scott,

While your binary thinking is brilliant and stands by itself as a testament to your formidable abilities, there is not one single reason a rational person would maintain that the act of simply visiting a country is to be considered treason. And while you wish to have one, a straightforward explanation, isn’t possible, because you neither present an argument nor make sense. Thank you for wasting our time - Nihilist.

It’s not binary thinking, there’s a third choice.

Did I say binary poll, or binary thinking?

You wrote ‘binary thinking’…

Jeez. Don’t be so sensitive.

This must be directed to someone that didn’t post because no one here got upset. Except for maybe SIATD when I said “say” instead of “wrote” but that’s understandable, as that was a dick thing for me to do…didn’t have anything to do with you though, so I’ll assume you’re not referring to that.

Did you learn nothing from Zidane, Scott? Bad things happen to you when you call people terrorists.

Pah, colloquialisms. We all write ‘say’ when we mean ‘write’. Logocentrism. Everywhere, I tell you.

I’m so baked right now.

Smoking pot funds terrorism, Scott!

I try and buy domestic.

Didn’t you know that purple haze, nothern lights, and Gold Rush(Afganni Gold) are known Terrorists.

Schwag will not be tolerated.

I’m in the southern part of the U.S. I mean really domestic. Fresh even.

Finally it came to this!?
The SWT propaganda hit the Mundane Bubble.

Dear ScottMears,

I doubt that you are an addict of anything else then yourself.
The new wave of attacks against Nancy Pelosi are just an excuse not to talk about the idiocy of your pat president.

Like I was watching in disbelief that CNN allows people to argue about dinosaurs walking the earth with
human beings at the same time.
Or that the earth is 6 to 10 thousand years old.

You ask questions like this only to avoid the real ones:
Where the hell did you get so many brainless mindless fundamentalist fanatics?
Are you growing them in labs?
I heard that cloning causes cell degradation, but I didn’t know it looks like this.
Or is this an other form of mad cow disease?

Next time you get the urge to start a post:
-one: take your medication

  • two: make it like this

Bush versus Pelosi, the fight for reality

Wish you many things,


Raven, something tells me that you’re probably one of those people who believes in global warming and thinks that the population at large would be better off knowing what thier leaders were up to.

Ignorance is bliss, eh? Welcome to 1984, my dear friend.

I’ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son.

Global warming and evolution is not a faith based ideology.
If you believe in the power of prayer drive your car without gas
or use your computer without power.

It is not simply appalling that some people use technology but do not believe in science.
Like God created the HP color laser printer.
‘people who believe in’ solving problems knows that shooting a them won’t work.

What Pelosi has done is went to talk to people.
I guess you would rather see sending in a cruse missile.
The reason republicans need more power than others to govern is that
they have to hide their total incompetence.

Raven, cruise missles would be great. Alot better than having troops on the ground. Gobbo, choices suck. Every one that I make just forces consequences on me.