Is nazism a religion?

‘Sweden’s own women are coming out on youtube…’
Some Swedish women have said things on youtube. Those women say things that fit what you want to believe about people of other races and from other countries. so for you this is final evidence. Anectdotal evidence. I get so fucking tired of people who simply state as true what they hear from sources they don’t ever think the least bit about in epistemological terms because it fits their rage and viewpoint. There are those who do that on the left and there are those who do it on the right, and you deserve each other. Unfortunately the rest of us have to live with what you think is proof and live with your hysterics and certainty.

My points were that the government, which includes both Left and Right, iow counterparts to dems and reps both don’t want that information out there. For whatever reasons, no doubt pc reasons involved. But we don’t know what those statistics are. I would guess that cultural factors do play out in rape. I do think that regardless of what the statistics say we should find out the statistics. I think the left’s taboos on this subject and their hallucination that culture has no bearing on behavior is a problem.

I also am so glad that the Right is concerned about rape, even if it tends to only be stranger rape. They do have a tendency to only consider rape when someone pulls someone who is not dressed sexy into the bushes and forces them to have sex. Many other kinds of rape they consider no one’s business and fought the idea that children might get sexually abused in any large numbers within their families. Or that if you were dressed sexy you still had the right to not be forced to have sex and so on. That was my shot at the right.

The Left cannot face the fact that how people are brought up to look at women could possibly cause problems, including what holy texts say about women. And in this way they have betrayed, indirectly and directly, women, gays, jews, atheists, pagans, transpeople and more.

Everybody wants Sweden - and of course this happens in other places - to PROVE whatever their pet beliefs are and most of them regardless of political leaning cherry picks their facts, finds a few videos on the internet showing the truth period because a few people in the target country say something.

It’s a philosophy forum and yet binary thinkers with the epistemology of preschoolers never, even after years of having their deductive and inductive weaknesses pointed out to them, consider that they might want to consider

participation as a way to improve their thinking (also)

and not just somewhere to express themselves and their certainties about the world.

I don’t consider them to be properly religious.
It’s like a rock band without guitars/drums, they’re missing a key component.

While women may tend to be more superstitious than men, it’s something most women, and men used to be.

Superstition is also just about irrational hopes and fears.

Yup, we make them up, for whatever reasons, for social control, cohesion, because they’re emotionally appealing for some.
Some sorts of rights just resonate with some people.
People feel like they need an ethos to live by, that will help ensure positive outcomes for themselves and their group.
I’m not opposed to having some ethos, but I try to be novel and nuanced about it.

For them, the devil is a rich WASP male.

Yea, that’s a good way of putting it, they worship death, and what they believe follows it.
They also worship the strange and unusual, the paranormal.
Life doesn’t always do it for them, they want something more, or something else.

It’s human nature, we have the capacity to self-delude, some more than others.
It’s a narcotic, it can be a motivator too, it’ll always be there in one form or another, so long as we’re human.

Yup, for many secularists; celebrities, cinema, ideologies, scientism, self-help gurus, talking heads and the state have helped fill the void religion left behind.
Overt supernaturality isn’t necessary to classical and modern, social liberalism, but both of them are sort of covertly supernatural, insofar as people take them to be anything more than social constructs.

Many of us have done away with the absolute lawgiver, but few with the absolute law, and duties, to oneself, one’s family, friends, neighbors and so on have been replaced by rights.
I have a right to this, I have a right to that.
To freedom, says the libertarian, or to stuff, says the socialist, or to not having my feelings hurt, says the snowflake.

We can only speculate where we’ll head from here.
Will there be a supernatural right-giver, like there used to be a supernatural duty-giver, and temples to this deity or deities?
Or will we do away with objective rights altogether, replace them with some other form of misobjectivity, one we can’t even imagine now, or will we revert back to having objective duties?
Like I said delusion will always be there to some extent, but we can have more or less, only time will tell for sure, how they will mutate, and how delusional we’ll become.

Superstition, Mainline Pop Religion, Paranormal, Mythos, all of these are being rapidly updated, reformed, re-worded, and the like. I see modern ‘Abortion’ as a form of blood-sacrifice. Doomsday Soothsayers claim the end of the world is coming “Global Warming”, “Climate Change”. Thus a topic like “Climate Change”, is basic religious fearmongering. It’s all secularized, modernizing, for the 21st Century and beyond. The same 'Ol Fear, is adapting quickly to an exponentially changing future. People want to cling onto what’s familiar, when confronted with the unknowns. However the ‘unknown’ has been rapidly reduced after the Information era, and today. So people crave new areas to explore, a new unknown.

The Old Religions are not quelling the thirst, the desire of the masses. The masses have always craved the emotional-morphine fix, offered by Death-Cults and Death-Worship. By 2100, I believe some new religions will takeover. There are already strong surges throughout the US and Western Civilization, whether it be Mormonism, Secularism/Liberalism, Scientology, Transhumanism, and more. This is why I do believe ideology is religious, at least quasi-religious. These New Age ideologies are religions minus god, or minus the religious figure. But the cults of personality appear in other venues, as demonstrated through Pop culture, television, and movies.

People are more disillusioned by the supernatural, but more illusioned by the natural.
We’re not naturalists, we’re quasi-naturalists.
The big bang and abiogenesis is our creation theory, finite divisibility our limitation, Ai, mass surveillance, mind and state control our God, credit and fractional reserve banking our mana from heaven, transhumanism, transsexualism, cybernetics and chimeras our attempt at oneness and completion, uploading our consciousness to VR our immortality of the soul and heaven, or hell, big pharma our snake oil salesmen, scientists our priesthood, the psychiatrist’s couch our confession booth, the talking heads and science fiction writers our prophets of (mis)fortune, equality of liberty or stuff and universal brotherhood, which we rarely achieve in practice, our good/salvation, inequality and exclusivity our evil/damnation, megacorps our feudal lords, presidents and prime ministers our kings and popes, and global warming and WW3 our Apocalypse and Armageddon.

Man can do pretty amazing things sometimes, but many place too much hope, faith and trust in humanity.

Humanism, is a quasi-religion.

Early on in my life, and especially when I started philosophy, I did an experiment.

Replace the word “Humanity” with “Christianity”. Replace “Human” with “Christian”. And replace “human values” with “Christ”.

Humanity is Post-Christianity. What people generally mean of “The Most Human” archetype, is Jesus Christ.

So …no, humanity has not ‘transcended’ old religion. It is merely a re-marketing strategy. Western Civilization is just as ‘Christian’ as the European middle-age, if you accept the premise of ‘Human’ = ‘Christian’.