no, ali went to jail and lost his title because he wouldn’t answer the draft… he won his case and was released, and re-won the heavy weight championship…
" I AM THA GREATEST." or my favorite “I am a baaaad man.”
but yes in a sense all of these people were persecuted by those in power for various reasons. The greatest enemy always lies within one’s own borders. But many rulers have used this to their advantage. For instance, look at the Cultural Revolution of China where basically the leader (Mao) turned the young against any and everyone and it resulted in MANY deaths.
Malcolm X is a sad story to me. There are few to no positive role models for African-Americans anymore. Granted Malcolm in the beginning was a radical, a crook, and a felon but over time he became a great man. But I digress and close saying this. Ali changed the face of sports for the better.
so if you were to pervert the minds, you are endangering youself from the world of politics.
But if you do not pervert the minds, the people would just still be a slave.
If only poltics pervert the minds of the young, then it is okay. A philosopher king. Or a philosophers council.
in each of their own times, these philosophers/teachers/leaders were accused of perverting the minds of the society, youth or not. in the view of our current society, and in hindsight, we view these people as martyrs.
if this logic is correct, then can anyone today rightfully declare, much less punish, another for “perverting the minds of society?”