Is philosophy a circle of hell?

Are they? You always read. Nietchze would have been cool clubbing with talky sort of vibe. Wittgenstein great at a gay club, brooding, sniveling pigboy in drag. Kant vs Rand. Cage match. Can you love a girl? Cold, rational thinking and endless skepticism? And she says the hug would mean nothing, externally. The other ways to deal, play this cello, clever fellow, eat jello. Gnaw the remains of old corpses, in little piles, strain for light and limes, kill a new beast in wedged in times, deeper abyss, ironic conjecture and plastic resolve. Intentional iconoclastic perspective revolving around me and i’m lost and myopic. as i already said i exhausted this topic – i’ve got nothing more to say. Told you before. And befive. and besix and besides i’m addicted to lies just like nixon and liza minelli. Which is why philosophers just isn’t, as a rule, when you smell them thinking at the side of the pool, unrippling the ripples, UVing their nipples, crusading the cripples and flippers with riddles like frozen gargoyles on the frolic architecture of Universe, blameless, save for the way eyes and I’s who pump meaning-drifts of snowflakes to the mouths of white dwarfs. What do you all think.

“Can a ass be tragic? - To be crushed by a burden one can niether bear nor throw off?..The case of the Philosopher.”
Twilight of the Idols, Maxims and Arrows
F. Nietzsche

Gamer, if you’re going to post, don’t smoke beforehand. Just some token advice.

And if you’ve read Dante’s Inferno, the pagan philosophers are all in Limbo – the sighing circle of merely human perfection. (And the philosopher saints are in the Paradiso.)

If i re-read your post later, i might make more sense of it.

Until then.

Is Philosophy a circle of hell?

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that. But the type of mind that does get interested into philosophy is a strange one, isn’t it?

Last night I watched a movie by Miramax called The Human Staind. Crazy movie for anybody into drama. The main character was played by Anthony Hopikins, along with Nicole Kidman and Ed Harris. Plus the guy that played Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump. Well Hopkins played a Dean of a University. He mentioned that in his old age he wasn’t interested in sex. If it wasn’t for Viagra he would spend the rest of his days pondering philosophy and debating the nature of reality.

That got me to thinking.

Why is it that I can’t completly enjoy life? My fellow humans, that are in my age group, are content with living out there pathetic existences. Or so it seems to me. I, on the other hand, feel as though I am cursed to constantly observe life instead of partake in it. I must question reality. I must ask questions to things that we will never know the answer to. Philosophy, my friends, has to be a circle of hell.

We are bold warriors fighting mental battles to wars that can not be beaten.

I’ll leave with another quote from that movie:

[size=150]Action is the enemy of Thought.[/size]

“Is philosophy a circle of hell?”

No, it’s a ball instead and you get a joyful ride at the same time because the ball is way too gigantic for you to be on the downside to fall down. Happy riding to all of you! Honestly! I just could not resist that! :smiley:

Smooth, that was a good post.

mmmm - Yes and No.

It is a ball. And we’re inside it. A closed sphere, with greased walls. Good luck trying to scale the wall, and even if you could you’d wind up at the bottom again. Good luck losing yourself studying the granules that make up the wall. They’re just dots. Dots that are spheres with greased walls that will suck you in if you look to close. Smaller spheres, ever smaller circles of hell. Try pushing the sphere to make it roll, you can’t get any leverage. And if you could, you wouldn’t feel the sphere rolling, because the greased walls slip under you without friction. But prod and poke and fuss long enough and some devil will say well fuck okay you want a change? Here, try this. I will suspend you in the middle of the sphere so you can’t even touch the sides or feel your weight on the bottom curve. Now you’re really fucked, thanks to philosophy. Have a ball, folks.

Gamer Sahib,
Whether we are inside the ball of philosophy or outside, it matters not. What matters is we get a ride nonetheless. And depending upon our circumstances we will experience fun or no fun while on this ride. And as far as danger is under question, let me assure you that it will be as much dangerous to ride inside a ball as outside of it. I think you forgot the perspective, a ball to play or ride in is just one aspect of our life, but in your post you made it seem like your whole life. That’s not philosophy my dear, that’s your outlook on life!

Correctomundo, BeenaJain!

That is SOMETIMES my outlook on life. But the way I described it in terms of philosophy, it is definitely not a ride. In all the efforts in that greasy sphere is the burning-thirst promise of a ride that never comes. It’s more of a trap. My poetic way of saying you can enjoy the ride for a while until you see it’s futility, that you never were moving to begin with, all journey’s memories flood into one moment in time and space, a snapshot memory collage, frozen in the middle of nowhere. Please go ahead and enjoy the philosopher’s flight, but if you fly too high you will see that what you thought was a flight was nothing more than a tiny delusion entrapped in a sea of black ice. this realization has a way of even obliterating the memory of such flights of fancy.

I sought truth until I had to retreat from it, and the lies “I” builds to survive are all the truth I care to know.

I have to disagree with you. If I start for Timbucktoo today and it’s a beautiful journey and a joyous ride then while I’m on my way I can’t say that the ride isn’t good, it is good. You are looking at the destination only. But the fact is that while riding, the ride is good, no matter if we don’t reach our destination. You are trying to tell me that if you don’t reach a destination then you will say that the journey or ride wasn’t good. How can you say the ride wasn’t good just because you didn’t reach your destination? The ride was still good but it failed to take you where you wanted to be. Ok?

P.S. Here’s a hint. I think that if you really enjoy the ride then either you will reach the desired destination or else you will have no use for reaching it anymore. So in either case what is important is that you enjoy the ride. That’s why people say that, ‘It’s not the destination but the journey that matters.’

The more you expand your mind the more you can see what possibilities exist in this world for exploration. But once explored life becomes ridged and fixed, gone are all the avenues of possible excitement. To understand your own limits the limits of the world and others around you. Some might find this liberating, but when you have done everything, there’s nothing else to do, so you better hope you’ve found something to love by the end of the quest.

Knowledge will free you from ignorance, but it just reveals new barriers, barriers that can only be seen through the eyes of wisdom.

Would it be fair to say that, the deeper the thinker, the less likely they would be a mugger, rapists, thug etc?

I mean, I just can’t imagine the scum type people from my estate being members of this forum!

The people who are violent scummers tend to be interested only in physical, animal, base urge activities… Sex, getting high, acting tough (physical survival). That kind of thing. Anything mindless really.

(Maybe that is a wild over generalisation, but that’s how it seems IMO…)

So. I think that the more philosophical a person is, the further they are away from being a mindless animal…

I think that philosophy (and questioning in general) is the evolutionary key to becoming more than animal. (!) As to what we are becoming I am not sure.

Dare I say it… I think the world would be a better place if more people thought deeper!

It’s not a circle of hell, it’s the path that leads out of hell !


It leads out of hell and back into it again.yes it reveals doors and doors and it seems endlessly exciting, so much to explore, for awhile anyway, until you start to see the patterns, ad nauseum, ad infinitum, ad astra, forever, and ever, zero, my hero, how wonderful you aren’t.

Go ahead, enjoy your little charades and escapades. There is no ride to enjoy but the illusion. The car windows are just TV screens, there’s nothing outside! Enjoy it with all your grit! As soon as you see the windows for what they are, keep quiet about it or the men will come for you. The dark angels with zeroes for heads will tie pieces of your flesh into protuding turgid orbs and you will watch your reflection dance on their dead eyes for a queer eternity that implodes at the speed of black.

Philosophy is evolutions perversion, our own teeth would gnaw at our own entrails, far after we learned how to defeat the mammoth and sabertooth, how to warm our hides and warn our children.

Matter’s cruel self-destruct mode…mind is the great eraser of all that Was. I salute the brave unstained pretzels who still disagree. Enjoy the light whilst it last! Noch sehen wir unsren Tod, unsere Asche nicht, und dies Täuscht uns und macht uns glauben, dass wir selber das Licht und das Leben sind.


You’ve a great career as a poet ahead of you. But first, you need to take a laxative or something. So it’s all an illusion. As my alter-ego would say, so fucking what?

The trouble with Life is it’s the only game in town. Cursing your own existence may be a momentary distraction, (another game?) but your obdurate reality demand’s that you breath, eat, drink, defacate, and attend to all those other mundane little chores.

It just might be that those mundane dailies are the totality of your existence. Disappointed?

In the mean time, join the club and make it up as you go along.


I honor the gorge my friend, but this headling is not foolish enough that seeks not to dive headlong. Come, let us dance with reckless abdomen! Eat many a food and wait in line for L’elevator! Onward comrades…let us defecate with glee! For 'tis the enemy of Old Man Solipsisma! Choose a hearty hail to the fighting kind with the lightning-mind blues! Cling to the bling baby…life’s all weeze gahts, so enjoys the ride, dats what ah say. keep it real. Westside.


LOL, you’re on a roll! Well, have a good time. Just be careful you don’t run into your own backside. Messy. Very messy. :laughing:


tell me about it :astonished:

Philosophy is the light of reason.

Have you read Dante’s The Divine Comedy?

Philosophy enables people to see things clearer.

Philosophy can (and often does) help show us (and clarify) reason and truth…but, it does not allways bring us to truth.

Nietzsche started his philosophy as an indirect result of being fed up with the irational-legalisms imposed on him by the Catholic Church. He wanted something that really made sense. So, he started his self-guided journey in search of reason. To an extent, he found a bit of reason and the truth he pursued, but he didn’t stop there…

…he continued until he left reason, and entered into the realm of psychological musings. He eventually went insane due to an illness. I’d argue, though, that the onslaught of his insanity was accellerated slightly by his constant living in the realm of “the-reason-that-is-found-inside-Nietzsche”.

At any rate, Philosophy can be good or it can be so good, that it loses it’s usefullness.

I’ve posted this quotation before already, but I’m going to post it again. I think it is by far, one of the most supreme definitions of what philosophy really is:

I came across this quote while reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico Philosophicus.

Just my humble musings, anyways… :wink: