Is 'progress' worthwhile?

Well, it’s this fear of disease and illness I want to get at. We have a longer life expectancy now which seems to have also increased our odds at misfortune. For instance, if a person were to die young or get sick young, it’d be considered more unfortunate/tragic than if it were to happen later on in life and I think, in order to avoid this misfortune, we curb ourselves. We sacrifice today for tomorrow. There’s an imbedded notion that we shouldn’t die young. Whereas, I think a 20 year old’s death should be no more unfortunate than a 70 year old’s. I guess that’s what it boils down to. But having just wrote that I’m not sure I agree with it :unamused:.

– yehhh, I scrapped the OP for a reason.

You ended up turning it into the greatest Topic/OP, ever.

When “progress” is defined by the God-wannabes getting their wish for dominion over all life on Earth, I have to question its worthiness.
But then it seems that such is a stage that Man must go through in order to get to the better prize, the real progress of no longer having to put up with or live under such non-sense.

Sometimes going down hill for a while is the means and path to the top of the mountain.

But then again… US Citizens Shall ObeyEspecially the young.