Is the Darwinistic Selection Principle False?

Hey, you know, this, that, maybe.

I do know. Selection.

What do you think about caste systems, in terms of survivable viability?

Is it a coincidence that India is the only uninterrupted culture? Question for anyone in this thread. Does a caste system make the human race less vulnerable, more anentropic?

You know, all that said, and it is all very right to say, the real reason Darwin got big was that he was the only one to approach with extreme scientific rigour what otherwise only hobby botanists were looking into.

The rest, the dreadful philosophical mistakes in his thinking, cannot be particularly blamed on him when he was the only one out there for all effects and purposes.

When measured against Christian superstition, Darwin deserves every inch of the giant he has been made. But the truth is that that is not saying much. Considered within the realm of science, he really isn’t very much to write home about. He just gathered evidence for something very obvious.

But it is a shame that it was he, Darwin, that took the science seriously. Because it is true that he just bypassed the entirety of what evolutionary science should be: the actual study of evolution, rather than a study of what makes evolution possible. It is like saying that the selection criteria for skyscrapers is gravity, and then you prove how all those little increments were able to survive gravity. But what about the insane visions XI century architects had to build gothic cathedrals? T’weren’t gravity did that.

Modern evolutionary science only shows that modern scientists are just rebelious Christians. They are just excited somebody proved their dad wrong, and get off on it continuously. For all you want to say about those botanists, they were actually looking into how evolutionary change itself happens, not what allows it to persist.

All this is annoying to say, but it must be said, because Darwin’s dilligence is not something that can just be brushed over.

But you hear something like this:

And anybody who is even a science enthusiast must be able to understand what it says about the state of “science” today. The same is thought about climate change. Whereas even the aformentioned science enthusiasts would tell you that such a giant as Newton, let alone Einstein, would have puked at hearing that about their own theories. That is not how science works. That is, however, how religion works. “Science” is not in the hands of scientists, it is in the hands of technicians and ideologists. Of fanatics and people who don’t care about truth, but about being told that everything is OK, you don’t have to know why, but everything makes sense, and somebody is taking care of it.

This is a further reason why it is so drastically important that science be understood, once again, to belong to the fold of philosophy. That is what drives it, what makes it work. Not the service of kings or to seek that everything is alright, but to chase after wisdom.

I mean you have people thinking that binary code used to communicate with electrical circuits can become a brain. The sphere of data that computers process is an infinitesimal portion of the sphere of “data” a brain processes. In order to replicate a brain, you would eventually have to design evolution all over only to discover that the fastest way to get the most powerful possible brain is to use the existing ones. People don’t want that, they don’t want that responsibility. They want faith, articles of faith. Science, philosophy doesn’t help you sleep at night. Dogma does. Why Satyr is so obssessed with Nazi sociology and all these other good people here each with their own little dogmatic structure. They just want to sleep at night, to feel like it all makes sense. A philosopher, a scientist, needs at least 1000x the balls that are seen in such puny aspirations.

My brother complains to me, he says “you can’t ascribe communism to cowardice, because I know good people that are communists.” He is referring to my cousin, who has a post-doctorate in pure physichs and has worked on supercolliders. He doesn’t mean belonging to the communist party, but this modern disease we all know. I refuse to budge. Because what they hook geniuses like my cousin with is the rhetorical co-opting of the Rennaiscance tradition, the Greek Restoration, lip service to the pursuits of philosophy and fancy gadgets to become glorified technicians with a “scientist” tag on their lab coats. But however much they pay that lip service, the heart knows. And even though there are degrees of cowardice, and the degree my cousin has is really fucking small, it is still coardice that does it. Refusal to face the harsh conditions that the heart also knows await any who open the gates to “philosophy.” All philosophy has to say is: nobody knows what the fuck is going on and anybody that tells you they do is a tyrant wanting to put your balls in a jar. That’s just what it is. Philosophy is a never-ending toil that knows there is no end of the line, no final answer. A philosopher must love the woods.

And you gotta ask yourself: how much is safety really worth?

A lot of people cannot be directly faced with this, because they are good people and you don’t want to push them to the wrong side. They must remain in the dark, like my cousin, so they can hang on to their soul. The fight is not against them.

And I’ll tell you what else, I ain’t spending time posting on this retarded website for the sake of no coward.

I don’t know, ask Nietzsche.

Was that you complaining that I don’t give straight answers?

And I can’t really agree with that whole Sokratic adage about not knowing. Though philosophy alone is not enough to know what is going on, not without astrology and some forensic information. Without it (meaning, without Nietzsche), it is perfectly impossible to grasp what is going on.

No son. It really wasn’t.


Okay boomer.

India is not uninterrupted. No culture is.
After the Moghul and British invasions, India dis not simple return to “normal”.
There is no “India” culture. Cultures are not bounded entities and can freely exchange ideas between themselves in the most promiscuous ways.

As for the caste system. It is pretty obvious that it represents a serious impediment for progress and change. Perhaps the reason you think India is uninterrrupted is because of that static nature, which has made India vulnerable to invasions.

India was too busy infighting with their families and their own, and weakened themselves and their numbers after many lengthy battles, which made them ripe pickings for invasions. They were very feudal, and some say they still are, but I think less so.

List of wars involving India … ving_India

Hasn’t China got an unbroken culture? Probably the only civilisation that has.

I think not.
Warring disparate states to empire to mongol vassal to empire to communism to state capitalism; hardly unbroken.
“Culture” is what you perceive it to be, but changeless or unbroken it cannot be.

May be they say it has… because of this:

  • China was never colonized by any imperialists. Instead, they break China into several spheres of influence. Each western country had its own sphere of influence. … Finally, these nomads became gradually “Chinese.” This included the Mongols or Yuan dynasty, and the Manchus of Qing dynasty.

On another note: Which country has invaded the most countries?

  • …in a survey of 200 of the world’s countries through that, in one shape or form, Great Britain has invaded all but 22 of them. That amounts to about 90 percent of the world’s countries. It’s easy to scratch your head at this figure. :laughing:
    Back to India… India was easily conquerable from the West but not the East, which was impossible because of the Ganges Delta and the Himalayas.

Ghengis Khan?? Mongolians are not Chinese.
And whatever “CHina” might be, the fact that there are several languages and dialects challenge this statement.
The British colonised Hong Kong.
And early CHina was always being conquered before the “idea” of A pan chinese state was even thinkable.

Fruit is unconquered, but apples and not oranges

All cultures had been uninterrupted until the time when they were interrupted. There is only one culture that has not been interrupted: the Western Christian culture. That may soon change.

When cultures are interrupted, they have fallen into nihilism, decadence, that is, they cease to be cultures and begin to be civilizations, that is, something like “world cultures,” and thus they become open, soft and conquered.

…maybe because of this:

  • China was never colonized by any imperialists. Instead, they break China into several spheres of influence. Each western country had its own sphere of influence. … Finally, these nomads became gradually “Chinese.” This included the Mongols or Yuan dynasty, and the Manchus of Qing dynasty.
  • In 1206 Genghis Khan united the tribes of the Mongol steppe and set their warlike sights far beyond their homeland. When Genghis died in 1227, they had all but conquered the Jin dynasty of northern China.

…and not all are conquerable, whether they be apples or oranges.

…maybe because of this:

  • China was never colonized by any imperialists. Instead, they

… Finally, these nomads became gradually “Chinese.” This included the Mongols or Yuan dynasty, and the Manchus of Qing dynasty.
Maybe shmaybe

China has been conquered.


So much ignorance, so little time.

The only culture that has not been interrupted to my knowledge is India. They have the same gods and the same social structure as they did for thousands of years. Yes, they were under British rule for a while, but this didn’t influence their social structure or their religion. It just taught them English and cricket.

India has become much more democratic (less cast system - authoritarian) and more capitalistic in the last 100 years.

Surely, India adapts to circumstance and modernizes. But it hasn’t become cultural-relative. In fact the past years it has become increasingly aware again of the importance of remaining religiously pure.

Bottom line - India has never abandoned its true gods. They are our “big uncle” from whom we may learn.

I think more like “grand-uncle” - but ok. :smiley: