Is the Joker funny?

The joker is funny.

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Is the Joker funny? What do you think?

Guess how I voted.

Awwwww… It sounds like someone has a busted ego so they decided to make a funny thread about someone.

:cry: BooHoo.

Surely you jest. :laughing: I thought you would appreciate the attention. Of course, in a world of uncertainty, how would I know? Of course, I realize you reject empirical information along with everything else. But hey, its all in good fun.

Felix, what a nice guy you are for giving me all this attention.


It is just too good to be true. I am all befuddled inside. :blush:

Can a living being be anything? That is to say can we ever use a static term to completely describe a dynamic entity?

Would the poll be better like this?

I find the joker’s jokes funny:

A. Constantly

B. Frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Never

You mean funny ‘ha-ha’ or funny ‘I wouldn’t want him near my kids’…?

felix dakat,

Yes, I believe the poll would be much more on target if you used the second format.

That’s funny. Permitting the latter definition will probably increase the number of Joker’s “yes” votes significantly.

I Eat Children.

You have to make a magical wish for anyone to be anything I think.

Kinda like this:


Felix I am concerned with your obssession.

I am worried that it might be a homosexual thing…

Dear Felix, You don’t have a crush on me, do you?

I think Felix that this calls for a therapeutic intervention seminar.

Joker isn’t funny.
He’s a self-destructive Jesus#2, headed towards a deadly idealism of “equality”, instead of affirming the greater powers overcoming the lesser powers in the universe.

Apply “thou shalt not kill” to your microbiology, and you see how suicidal “non-violence” can be.

It’s the weak whom are wasting the most life and the most time.
The strong are clean within, as they destroy all parasites and enemies.
The strong can handle what they take, sometimes even better than the ones whom they took it from.

Does this mean, that you actually like me?

Destructive Jesus doesn’t sound so bad. I mean he got some from Mary Magdalene all the time, right?

( No wonder he would stay in those farm houses overnight spreading the good word. :evilfun: )

No, but I am.

Really? What do you have that I don’t. [-X :laughing:

Whatever, Whatever, you ain’t bad!

fight club avatar

edit: fight club signature

We could use a static term to describe a dynamic entity but it would ultimately fail. But terms are not static. Nonetheless, their dynamism is different to what we use them to try to describe, though both are dynamic.

Heraclitus SMASH! (sorry, been playing Smash Bros. tonight)

$50 says it was the same way I voted.

They are already beings. Acribing to them non-descript categories isn’t an issue in a common sense. In that a being can be authentic or inauthentic in an existential sense they can be humerous or not in a social sense.

I knew it!

You may want to stop. Some parents are happy to get the rodent off of their hands but some actually like children.

{Off Topic: Hey, me too! Finally got the Ice Climbers down pat!}