Is the Russian-Ukrainian War the prelude to a new World War?

We are in the midst of a world war.
Presently fought through proxies.

A War Like no Other, fought primarily using semiotics, but erupting into hot wars, e.g., Palestine, Ukraine, Yemen, potentially Taiwan.
US is an empire in decline. An empire that failed to globalize its model.

It’s unipolarity is now challenged by a Sino-Russian multipolarity model.
Cultural and ethnic diversity will be preserved, rather than converted to a product.
Ethnic and cultural will and should be preserved, rather than melted down and assimilated into a uniformity - Americanism.

US technology and military advantages have deteriorated, due to the natural attrition of time and the decadence of power, miscegenation, and Wokism.
Other nations sense this.
Like Israeli intelligence and military prowess, it relies on reputation - propaganda.
A paper tiger.
Afghanistan was the last sign of its decline…
US has never won a war against a major power …see Korea and Vietnam.
It has only fought skirmishes with inferior opponents, and with the aid of its vassal states.

Recently, even its vassal states refused to participate in the US’s attack on the Houthis…except for its reliable lap dog, Britain.

This is truly an ideological war.
Will Americanism’s melting pot, pseudo diversity, be victorious, or will a world order, where ethnicities, races, and cultures are preserved and autonomous, replace it.
Already the sings in Ukraine show a shift in geopolitical dynamics.
Emergence of BRICS is another sign.

I seem to recall America winning Ww1 and WW2. I don’t see the deterioration of its military at all. There’s a difference between losing a war and pulling out because it no longer becomes worth it (Middle East and Vietnam).

If I cash out at a slot machine if the stakes become no longer worth it, does this mean I lost or would rather preserve and not waste what I have?

WWI & WWII huh?
Is that what they’ve told you?
I seem to recall Russia turning the tide against Germany…and US participating in an alliance.
Did they tell you the US won both wars on its own?

The US took advantage of its geography, allowing European powers to slug it out, and then when it saw which side was winning, it entered as a victor to plunder and pillage.

You keep comforting yourself.

Shall we allow history to unfold?

Empire decline takes a long time.
It started in the 60’s…it’ll get worse.

First symptoms are already present.

During both WWI & WWII the US was not the power it is now. It became a superpower after WWII, when Europe was devastated, and the US took advantage of the western part.
But no war was won recently against a major geopolitical power…despite how formidable US military is?
Not one?
Right. :-k

It is the only nation to have both conducted the greatest per capita holocaust in the history of man - against American natives - and to have used a weapon of mass destruction, twice.

Looked to me like Germany was stacking Russian bodies, what was the death count again for Russia?
24-27 million Russians died…

America could/would have won WW2 alone with the birth of the atom bomb, it was inevitable.

No, it had nothing to do with “which side was winning” if Hitler wasn’t so foolish in attacking US ships, and sending Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor there’d have been a different outcome.

So if the US didn’t attack from the west and Germany had everything on the East, Russia would have won huh?

Yes…and that’s why the US can never fight a war against a major power.
It couldn’t handle 60,000 casualties in Vietnam.
and we’re talking about a more rugged, and white generation of Americans…not the soy boys of today.

You are so naive.
The sinking of US ships was like the Gulf of Tonkin incident…or 9/11 or Perl Harbour.
An excuse to enter the war, once it became obvious which side was winning.

But let’s remember the “6 million” Jews that died, right?
Let’s ignore the 30 million Russians.
They won the second world war.

America didn’t need to enter the war at all lol. You’re the naive one, war makes money to who isn’t in it, especially when you’re a huge manufacturer like we were. We entered solely due to the fact of being attacked. Europe was practically begging the US for help and they said they were staying out of it, but I guess that to you means they were “waiting for a winner” right…

Wasn’t Russia allied with Germany at first? Means they wanted global domination before they get betrayed by Hitler, serves em right honestly.

Idc about Jews or Russians. Hitler would have won the war if it wasn’t for his betrayals. Or would he? Because America built a nuke first. You know they were going to bomb Germany right? Before the line broke and they didn’t have to. Regardless of the Soviet Union, Germany lost to America.

If the Axis powers had started winning decisively, the US would have sided with them…or kept out of the war altogether.

US always uses these manufactured incidents to justify its wars to its dumbed down population.
Remember the WMD’s in Iraq…and how Iraq was behind 9/11…?
All lies.

Iraq didn’t cause 9/11. We went there for resources and possibly information. We didn’t really “lose” either, we left.

America built the nuke with Nazi help.

No Germany lost to Russia, and the US came in to claim victory, and to claim the west as its vasal states.

That’s not what they told you dumb Americans.

And who controls the resources in Iraq, and Afghanistan presently?


The axis powers WERE winning decisively, then Hitler betrayed Russia. Even before that betrayal American stayed out of it, they could have joined Germany if they wanted and we’d be speaking German right now but they didn’t.

Oppenheimer was a Nazi? This is news to me. If they left Germany, they’re no longer Nazi’s. Einstein wasn’t a Nazi.

The Taliban now, after we’ve left. Who controlled it while we were there though huh? As I said before, leaving isn’t the same as a loss. We didn’t HAVE to leave. Let’s also be honest for a minute, if America REALLY wanted to, they could have leveled the entirety of Iraq and Afghanistan to rubble but that wasn’t ever the goal, the goal was cultural and resources.

If the US is sooo deteriorated we shouldn’t be able to fight 2 wars possibly 3 at the same time in different geographical locations.

Ukraine, Israel and possibly Taiwan. While Russia can barely even handle a tiny country Ukraine and China hasn’t even started their invasion of Taiwan yet, hmm wonder why,

A retreat is not a loss?
Vietnam another US win.
Iraq, another.

Russia is winning a proxy war against NATO.
Its strategy is not what the US has used…shock & awe…but attrition.

China uses time…it always has.
It can take over Taiwan, with great losses, but it can also wait for it to fall into its hands, like a ripe fruit.

I guess we will see won’t we? We were never forced to leave, so no, it isn’t a loss.

First World War

It was clear long before the First World War that the British Empire would not last much longer. Without the help of the US-Americans, their financial support and their entry into the First World War, the British Empire would have been over by the end of the First World War, and its role would have been taken over by Germany, which would have won the First World War. The same thing happened again with the Second World War. These two world wars are historically very closely linked. Without the First World War, there would have been no Second World War. And it was first the British, then the French, then the Russians, then the Italians and smaller nations like the Serbs who wanted the First World War. The British Empire and France were at the end of their tether and therefore feared the loss of their colonies and bankruptcy. Russia feared revolution and wanted to divert attention from it with the First World War, Italy aspired to the top and Serbia wanted to remain independent while being protected by Russia. Austria-Hungary wanted to prevent its collapse, not through a world war but through reforms. The only one of the six great powers that neither feared losing nor wanted a world war was Germany. Germany only wanted to trade, was economically and otherwise in first place in the world and would have won the First World War if the United States had not entered it (to achieve this, the US-Americans needed a pretext: the sinking of the Lusitania [later, for entry into the Second World War, it was Pearl Harbor]). In the period from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, it was a question of which of the two powers would inherit the British Empire: Germany or the USA.

Second World War

You have to take into account that before the official start of World War 2 (1 September 1939) Poland had already invaded and annexed a part of Lithuania in 1934 in 1938 and Italy had already invaded, annexed and turned Abyssinia into a colony in 1938 - all reasons to accuse either Poland or Italy or both as the cause of World War 2 (in the case of Poland there are even more examples). But the reason for not doing so was a simple one: Poland and Italy could not have been exploited because they had nothing that could have been exploited.

When the Second World War came to an end in Germany (9 May 1945), the US troops had occupied both Bavaria and Thuringia because they suspected that the documents containing the instructions for building the atomic bomb were in these two German regions. However, these documents were already in Berlin-Dahlem at the time. So the US-Americans had to come to an agreement with the Soviets that they could divide up the Reich capital Berlin and the western part, where Berlin-Dahlem was located, could become the US-American-occupied sector. Only after they had reached Berlin-Dahlem could the US-Americans build an atomic bomb. At that time, as I said, the Second World War was over in Germany, but not yet in Japan. That - and that alone - was the reason why the US-Americans did not drop atomic bombs on Germany (because that was exactly what they wanted!), but on Japan (6 and 9 August 1945). The US-Americans were only able to drop their first atomic bombs because they were unable to realise their nuclear project without the documents containing the instructions for building the atomic bomb, which were located in the German capital Berlin-Dahlem. Because the US soldiers were not yet in Berlin at the end of the Second World War in Germany (only the Soviet Union soldiers were there as foreign soldiers, who knew nothing about the documents), they were only able to steal the documents with the instructions for the construction of the atomic bomb located in Berlin-Dahlem after the end of the Second World War in Germany, so that their atomic bomb project could only be “successfully” completed after the end of the Second World War in Germany - by dropping the atomic bombs on Japan.

Since the 19th century, the British, and after them the US-Americans have always been paying attention to what Germany is doing and have always geared their strategy towards preventing cooperation between Germany (intelligence/technology/science/economy) and Russia (natural resources).

George Friedman of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs also says this very clearly time and again.

[youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube] … ORM=VRDGAR … 6a2066f4b3

This is why the “Nordstream 2” pipeline was also blown up.

“Russia ends 300 years of west-centric foreign policy: Gordon Hahn, Alexander Mercouris, Glenn Diesen”:
