IS there a Krishnamurti fan in the ILP?

I have seen the name DAvid Bohm , so should I assume there will be a name of Jiddu KRishnamurti.

“The enemy is not the other , the enemy is you. You are the problem”

IF those wants to have a disscusion on K.

I’ll start with the topic, Can we live in a world where human beings are free and creative? Instead of money driven, and security worship.

Krishnimurti is probably the single most annoying hack I’ve ever read. Seriously, a complete waste of time.

Ouch, I don’t know a thing about him, but now Phaedrus has me curious!

Qualify this Phaedrus of Ether … precisely what do mean to represent when you say “annoying hack”?

Further, have you, yourself, ever read the Upanishads?

Of course I have, Mas. Alongside the Bagivad Gita (probably mispelled- it’s been a long nite). I will further elaborate on K’s absurdity as I’m able.

I agree Phaedrus, Krishnamurti is a complete hack, yet I cannot let go of his idea. Why? Same as JEsus, JEsus was complete lunatic yet I cannot let go of his name?

KRishnamurti did say, do not believe in me what I say, just listen and watch.


In my readings of K. I’ve found him stodgy, cantankerous and egocentric.
He was groomed by Madame Besant, the theosophist, to be the latest prophet/avatar. Case in point. I read a book, possibly published in the 1970s, in which Eastern religionists discuss reductionist reality with Western physicists. Maybe someone here would know about this book and could provide references to it. It may shed light on the theories of David Bohm. In any event, K. responded to questions as if they were affrontery to his superior take on reality.

I think when David Bohm is involved, the book would be " The Limits of Thought"

I am currently reading many articles and books about him. For the purpose of senior seminar research.
Why, because I have heard he influenced many successful and powerful people.

I quite like some of the ways he looks at the world-- particularly consciousness and meditation. A lot of what he says is no longer fresh and original but you must remember he began writing decades before the fashionable hippy years. Constant new discoveries in the quantum arena seem to have kept him popular.

FTR There are two well know Krisnamurts.

Skip Krishnamerti and go with Bohm. David Bohm’s implicate order does indicate a holism which complements some ideas from Western physics and some ideas from Eastern Religions. There are many good web sites on Bohm. Just google.

I have also found Krishnamurti’s teachings labour-intensive to read: probably due to the era he is from, and the Upanishads just repeat statements about a hundred times: to help the message sink in to one’s (ancient) mind, but I don’t think they’re for modern minds.

David Bohm is a physcist, there he is a scientist, seeking for knowledge.
Krishnamurti made many famous people. His aim is to end seeking knolwedge. To me, to end knowledge is to be satisfied with your brain mass, unless you like your forhead to be large like those fictional martians.

or, as the masters say: you can have all the knowledge in the world, but what use is it without the wisdom to use it…

or, as they say in the army corp: be the best you can be, or in other words: live up to your potential - I am trying to live up to mine, I promise…

I do believe that certain ways of thinking can make one powerful/influential/famous (if fame is what one seeks) and who/what you know: has a lot to do with it.

You seeking power and influence, Dan? am just asking/there’s nothing wrong with it: if that’s your path in life.

Crap, I’ve meant to elaborate a bit but I’ve been really busy with work.