The naive thing that we all do wrt the Universe is to zoom in and out of the macroscopic world, into the quantum and the galactic respectively. Gödel-type arguments lead us to suspect that the former is the case, the journey is neverending in principle - that is, we can go on indefinitely into lower and lower scales (atomic, subatomic, planck, string, whatever/etc.)
How about this: maybe the same is true in the other direction. Maybe there’s no such thing as “the Universe as a whole”, such as the gigantic sphere of galaxies that we often imagine. Maybe we can zoom out indefinitely.
Anyone got anything they’d like to add, or take away?
The Universe is as large as the speed/complexity of the ‘observer’.
Humans are very complex and slow. This complexity depends on the speed of existence. The Universe is endless to humans yet extremely small to the photon, which resides in the non-spatial.
Everything in the spatial dimensions is in motion, even the dying body as it is dissipating. Being in the spatial means you have physical limits, which is the speed your physicality allows before changing it’s state in a drastic way.
The Universe is a countless speeds.
Our bodies are ‘things in motion’ that, when compared to the photon, is very complex. There is more complexity to us than the photon.
The human body is a long way down the evolutionary road from the simple.
Because we are ‘in the slow lane’, the Universe is endless. We will never find the edge because the non-spatial will always keep it’s distance (speed) away from us.
The photon, which can be non-spatial, is in the fourth dimension (non-spatial). To the non-spatial the Universe is minute. If a photon could talk it would say “Why is this Universe so small?”
The varying relationships between the spatial and non-spatial is what makes the spatial what it is. There are endless speeds in the spatial that are WITHIN eachother.
The Universe is infinite and infinitesimal all at the same time, in the same place.
We humans will experience all speeds as we die and break down into electro-magnetic waves, etc. Our parts will experience it all. Whether we are conscious of it all or not remains to be seen.
I know that all matter is in motion through spacetime.
Are you saying that the Universe, because of all the speed stuff, cannot be considered as a structure (like the solar system can, for example)? Is the world we see around us the world bounded by the limits you talked about?
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It should read: “Gödel-type arguments lead us to suspect that the former is the case.” I’ll change the original now.
If you mean structured as intentionally organized, no. If you mean structured as in a complex system viewed as a whole, yes. The Universe is perpetual.
The reality, or dimension, around us is bounded by limits in that dimension. Nothing is truly bounded as it will change. Dimensions are locations, locations are spatial, the spatial is motion. So all dimensions are limits of motion. All things go through states of physicality, which are between the infinite and the infinitesimal.
We can see a quasar in space, that quasar is going through the same cycles we are, just in a different state. Those quasars will eventually become more complex until reaching this speed. In the same way we will dissipate, lose complexity and reach the reality of the quasar.
There are 3 spatial dimensions but limitless motions or speeds.