some people think it is
I think it’s uniquely Japanese in its humor
some people think it is
I think it’s uniquely Japanese in its humor
and lol @ this comment
Goatmon (21 hours ago) Show Hide
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I honestly think this is less to do with Racism than with Japan having the most ridiculous fucking entertainment.
The Japanese have no concept of “limits” … to anything.
So no, it is not racist to them.
Why do asians have trouble pronouncing the letter L?
Cultural-linguistic deviation and evolution-over-time.
It’s raqcist, but we should keep in mind that racism isn’t a dirty word in japan.
I don’t know if it’s racist, I’m just trying to work out if it’s meant to be an affectionate portrayal of one of the greatest musicians ever or just deeply insulting. Either way the singing wasn’t too bad I suppose…