I am not a satanist. It was Micks idea to stir the shit. I am just a mate of his. Now he has gone I cant be fucked to carry on …so fuck you all and goodbye!!!
I’m not sure if I believe that… I think it’s just an excuse but I don’t understand why he’d care either way to let us know… For what reason would he have to get on here and do what he did if it was for mick???..any thoughts?
Kind of like the saturday morning shows of the old days. Gotta love alternate personnas, they do bring a perspective all their own. Who is the actual real person LOL Someone has to be real bored to put together an other personna. wish I had that kind of time. second thought, no I don’t.
Hey Uccisore is that a good, out of both sides? Or is it softly blatant? I have lost track.
Uh wait one stepping minute. Not all folks that own Harleys are posers. thank you. Ours just happens to actually have a muffler that works, on purpose even. Harleys are comfortable bikes if you don’t screw with them. plus easy to work on.
well it depends on why you bought it too… if you bought it to be apart of the “club” or the “crowd”… poser.
If you bought it because it’s “american made”… poser. and not to true either.
Honda bikes have more parts made in america than most harleys.
And they’ll run longer without as much maintenance.
besides… you can only be a poser if you are trying to pose. You know… chrome all over the bike, straight pipes that remove all the power and add tons of sound. Tassles all over, studs all over, etc.
Most bikes are easy to work on, sans you are into crotch rockets. (which can also be “poser” bikes.)
One of you mods should lookup the geographical location of the IP’s of hellspawn and mick, http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm. If they are both form the same city, then chances are they are “mates”
then again, you would better waste 5 minutes trying to wank a dead horse, but hey, colour me curious
“54” Harley is what we have, more for its value then anything, those bikes roared through towns at the death defying speed of 45 mph or maybe 50 mph. Its hard to be a bad boy Poser on such a bike and you had better have some strength to pick it up if you dump it. Harleys do have a very nice resale value.
Hondas are by far and large the better bike. I prefer riding a Honda cruiser, 650s are very nice, they are built for comfort on long rides. Harleys will kill you on a cruise, except for the newest models. Getting a Harley from the first assembly proccess would be a nice little investment, although to run it you would have to carry a full set of tools. Do you know how they assembled thoughs first Harleys? Would have made Ford cringe.
That’s really cool. You didn’t say it was a classic. If I had a garage I’d invest in some classic Triumphs, and after seeing The Worlds Fastest Indian Probably a classic Indian.
I largely dislike Harleys because what I see it do to people that buy them new. They chrome them up, tassle them up and put studs wherever they can. And if you don’t ride a harley (like myself) they ask you “when are you going to get a real bike.”
so, really don’t blame me, blame the RUB’s around here. (I think this goes back to speaking out of my ass as well though.)
as an investment though, (even the one I described above) you’d be better off putting money in a shoe box. The shoe box doesn’t require new tires, oil changes and gasoline. And certainly doesn’t require the TLC that any bike will require from you.
yeah I think they are realizing that now, and are usually priced about 2000+ above any of the other Japanese competition. I’ve never ridden a Honda cruiser just their good ol’ standard the CB750.
it’s like you said though. I don’t ride for other people. And ALOT of RUB’s do just that. As soon as the guys here at work put more chrome on their bike, they have to show it off.
Is your harley a true hardtail?
It depends on how much work you have to expend into it, and if their is a significant mark up over what your Original purchase price is. Also as an investment, it will spend more time looking good than being ridden.
Ben should check the IPs of Mick and Hellspawn and probably find they are the same. Yet there is another matter to this thread that caught my attention… another irrationality of scythe.
Hmmm… Okay scythe… you realize the contradictory error you just made? First to imply that ALL harley riders are “bad boy” posers, and even after Kriswest denies it you re-affirm it… until… he makes the point that it’s vintage. So, why did you assume and over-generalize in the first place? Why didn’t you make the point in the first place saying something like: “he probably owns a chromed-up newer-end harley that sounds like a european or asian bike… not a true classic harley.” Why didn’t you just say that all “bad boy” posers ride harleys unless they’re vintage?
You make the same mistakes when you talk about religion scythe. Of course you’re going to deny everything I’ve said and try to make me look the foolish ass instead of you, but the evidence is clearly before your eyes… and everyone elses. Let’s face it, if you really loved harleys, you wouldn’t have slandered them so right off the bat.
According to the old guys, Harley prefabricated a lot of parts, then assembled, they did not test the fabricated parts for matchup. They found out that measurements were off and parts did not fit correctly. That produced some problems on final assembly. They had a mess of parts that had to be worked on and made to fit. The number of parts were not high but, enough to cause problems and make those bikes valuable. Around 500 bikes came off the line that had to be worked. Most of those old bikes of Harleys are better at being stabled then ridden, you are better off that way. Just haul it out for the shows. If you watch, you will see most Harleys are trailor queens.