It was my birthday

yey, the 26th was my birthday. guess how old i am?

i had a great party with friends, and family. the friends are common at my birthday, but my family was a change. we had food, i got real drunk (sorta, i could still see straight), and i got some kick ass presents, including a new lego set. :smiley:

Between 16 and 35.

Glad you enjoyed it. :smiley:

47 and two bits

thank you siatd, i did injoy it. out of the two of you siatd is the closest, ive got many years befor 47 and two bits

What about the two bits part? That close at least, right?

nope, more like 15 bits. at least thats the amount of bits my brain has broken into.

To be a respectful and honest, as a member as I, in this forum board.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I see, so I was completely wrong, damn. #-o

I’m guessing you’re exactly 26. If I’m wrong then you’ve got to tell me if it’s higher or lower otherwise I’m not playing…

26, no way :smiley:

GliderPendalehaven is 20.

Well, however old you are, Happy Birthday! :slight_smile:

holy crap right on the dot (where did you look it up) =D>

sadly daybreak you are wrong, siatd got it right

i am 26 with a 5 year old daughter :astonished:

thank you

thank you

I didn’t look it up. I merely took an educated guess based on your apparent intelligence, maturity and knowledge. You’ll notice that my initial estimate was ‘no more than 10 years either side of 25’, so I was close to begin with.

I’m getting a bit bored of being right all the time. Ask me something more difficult… :evilfun: :evilfun: :evilfun: :evilfun:

ok, two eskimos are in a rowboat in the middle of a corn field and the front tire falls off. so how many pancakes can you fit in a dog house?


With or without the dog? :slight_smile:

And at what exchange rate?

Happy Birthday Glider!!!

Siatd, How old am I?

(don’t respond if you have read it anywhere on another post)