Reply to: BUBU’s statement.
I totally agree with your line of reasoning, and against the line of reasoning that “God allows the existence of pain to teach us a lesson” on the very basis of the conception of God’s OMNISCIENCE. Without getting into omnipotence, et. al. The very fact (conceptually) of God’s omniscience seems to beg the question of God’s motivations in allowing evil to exist.
It is true that if God is omniscient then even before the Big Bang (as one who is theist can hold that God cause the event) he would know who would turn out to be evil and so on even before he created those persons and still he did so.
Although I considered that this is “proof” of an evil God, I did look for viable alternatives. One view that I put forward is that God is undergoing a psychological “evolution” from an intention to create evil to an intention to remove it over time forever( turning from evil to good over time and in a sense is “becoming omnibenevolent” rather than ALREADY BEING omnibenevolent)
Another option is that God is “constructively aloof”, or that God does not actually see us as “people” to whom that God might be morally obligated to do right by us but as a compilation of atoms that he causes to believe that are “people”, and as such the phenomenon of pain and evil to that God are just “interesting” arrangements of the microphysical world (despite our subjective misfortune)
These alternatives do not hold the phenomenon of pain, evil, and death to be eternal entities, only contingent entities dependent on the evolution of the mind of God and that God’s intentions over the span of time.
( Even if God does not exist, one can argue that pain, evil, and death are contingent rather than eternal phenomena: What if a meteor the size of Europe strikes the earth, wiping out all life on earth? That would erase pain, evil, and death from the universe as well in a secular universe as the existence of pain, evil, and death ultimately depends upon the existence of a 3 pound electronic machine: THE HUMAN BRAIN!)
So we can say that God is evil and “out to get us”, or we can say that God is “out to get us” at first but by some fluke of Nature is changing into omnibenevolence, or we can say that God does not see us as “real” people in the first place, and that evil to him is just an interesting new array of atoms interacting in space and time.
But that is only my suggestion,
Jay M. Brewer