"It's not him"

“It’s not him.”
This is what some woman said in a documentary I’ve just watched about sleeping disorders. Her husband had a comdition called Sexomania (I think) where he would pretty much dry hump her during sleep. But to glaze over the details, I find the distinction interesting, when he is asleep and doing these things he is not being himself, “it’s not him”, compared to when he is awake and refraining from doing these things we consider him to being himself, so what determines what makes one be oneself? Is it a matter of consciousness, awareness? I use these words tentavely because I’m going to assume the point of view of sleep being the realm of the subconscious/unconscious. So which is more true to who he is, what he wants, his subconscious actions or his conscious actions? I should also mention that in the interviews the woman mentioned she had suffered from post-natal depression which affected their sex-life, which in turn seemed to empower the wife with the decision as to when they could have sex.
There was also this woman who would sleep-eat, she would walk into the kitchen, drink a glass of milk and eat cookies all the while being unaware of her actions, an autonomon if you will. I we only our selves in conscious actions? Are we more conscious or unconscious during our days?..cuew twilight music…do doo do doo

I had a dream where i flew up on a magic chariot into the sun and met santa claus; something that i really think is stupid. If i was making a chariot in my sleep is that me?? =P~

Sort of like an alter ego manifesting itself in an unconscious state. A Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde syndrome as it were.

I think the key is the source of the sentence. It’s not the “him” that she believes she knows. The real “him” is in fact both (and more), of course.

I have a similar issue in that I am not a morning person. Or an after nap person. I am positively bitchy when I wake up for about 15 minutes to an hour. Nothing feels right in my head. Its like some part of me is still asleep and has left my alter ego in charge.

This I found out has been a part of my family tree with certain members being afflicted with this.
Never have figured out what causes this. I am not that way in my dreams. I am me. This other part is me too but, its the unbalanced version, the one that is uncivilized it seems. :laughing:

Some people can wake up extremely happy then balance out.


Maybe. When the guy saw the actual video footage of his actions, which may have been the first time he has been confronted with the fact of his disorder, he was quite shocked, embarrassed, etc. These were actions which he would not consciously commit, yet he does so unconsciously, both he and his wife then would agree that his behaviour during the night is not him being himself, so can we discard this unconscious aspect of ‘himself’? (lol, I can’t avoid referring to it as himself anyway, maybe the answer is already apparent). If we are then to only use his conscious self to define who he is, in this case what is his conscious self? He has sacrificed his desires for his marriage. He has become who he is by not being who he could have been. When we have choices it is like coming to a fork in the road, he has chosen and in effect severed the other option, in turn, has he severed a part of himself? Has he severed these parts of himself to fit the role his marriage requires? Marriage/responsibility/duty, do they all require amputation? Someone once said something along the lines of we should only make friends with our equals, would an equal require use to amputate ourselves?

I’m not really going anywhere in particular to this…meh.

Instead of severed why not inhibited or repressed? When sleeping we are at our most vunerable to lack of control. We all must control some part of ourselves. Some parts are stronger then others. Sleep walking for instance, those that sleep walk do so because some part of them has a need. This man is essentially sleep walking. Some folks talk in their sleep in ways they normally would not speak. Some toss and turn in violent reaction to thoughts. Fatigue causes the mind to lose more control when sleeping. The more exhausted our mind is the more likely the repressed parts of ourself will react.

I had sex with my ex-gf very often in the middle of the night, but I was often awake. One time I was not conscious when I initiated it; I was completely asleep. I know for a fact that it stemmed/stems from sexual repression. I also know for a fact that sexual repression is predominantly caused by overpopulation demands. Regardless, she found it very erotic and pleasurable as did I. As I reminisce about it, I recall that it was very animalistic & primal, because my conscious awareness was mainly defenseless/weak throughout the duration of it.

My friend you have sex on the brain. Take two whores and then respond to posts in the morning :wink: :laughing:

Is Freudianism accepted as fact again?

The way I look at this the individual subject (assuming for the moment that such a thing might exist) is not a static form, it is instead genetic or historical. When we petrify it within a dialogue we don’t get the full picture because the subject has already moved on. The thing about the fork metaphor, to my mind, is that it sounds like we could retrace our steps and follow the other path if we realised down the line we had made the “wrong” choice.
Like yours, these are only musings, but they’re fun nonetheless.

It should have never been doubted in the first place.

I don’t have enough money; I don’t know how to avoid whores with diseases.

Perhaps you have a phone number I could dial Kristy? :smiley:

What has led you to this conclusion?

Umm, nope, sorry,I can’t do that,As flattering as that is, I will put you on a list though :wink: :laughing:
You avoid whores with diseases by driving over to Nevada and paying good money to use clean ones. :laughing: