Hi Again - I’m multiple topicking today…
Anyway - As far as I’m able to understand from Christian thought, God compressed a small amount of himself, or perhaps all, into physical human form, the better to understand us.
After all, I don’t talk to the bacterial colonies in my bowel movements. They can’t communicate on my level, lack my sensual capabilities, or any commonalities of universal perspective. We have shit in common. We’d bore eachother at parties.
So. Jesus popped into existance. Emapthic link. God as man.
But here’s the rub. God doesn’t do things by halves. Not one to dip his toe in the sea and run away back to his wind-break shivering as far as I understand. Oh no - He’s the hirsute poseur who runs in up to his knees and belly-flops spectacularly into the surf in plain view of the bikini’d beach-belles, probably while wearing a purple lurex thong.
“If you’re gonna do something - Do it right.” Is God’s motto.
My conjecture…? Well - Jesus was a bit of a disaster as a human wasn’t he. A bit of a canoodle with Magdelene is implied, a bit of a tantrum in the temple market place.
If God was man - then he went the whole hog.
He loved - physically, romantically.
He had sex. He fathered a child.
He fought. He killed. He was jealous. He was angry. He hated as well as befriended. He envied, he sinned.
To do anything less, to experience anything less, would to be less than fully ‘human’.
And to be less than human would have negated the whole point of trying to forge an empathic link in the first place. To fail.
And God doesn’t fail. That’s in the job description.