Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jew

Such duty can be achieved through politics and such, or it’s the preferable choice for some of us… the path of least resistance to effect the most change, if you will.

Religions are simply a conduit for those Nations to effect change through, but some do much-more-so than others… Nations ran by religion not politics, so emotion not reason.

Actually, Jews and Chritians don’t get along, because , they are not at all enamored with the idea of a definitive, resemblance to their own mind.

Great deal of marginal cohesion( partly differentiated love= my formula against to total childhood regress), that is it’s self caused regression).

The higher self is able to encompass a partly different being at any levels
The primary JewishChristian fusion, and a collusive bond to release up and down the calculated series of similar entities. (Vampire logic from the depths)

Been down so long anything AND everything seems up to me.

Which is why stats show that the less religion one has in a country, the more peaceful and law abiding it is.


I would say that Jews show good taste by disliking the usurpers of their god.

Christians changed him from a half way decent sort under Midrash, to a genocidal and infanticidal god.

Christians helped usher in 1,000 years of the Dark Ages with their stupid literal reading of myths.
