I’ve always wondered if Jesus literally had to die on the cross to wash away our sins, or did God just make this up as some sort of symbolic gesture? I mean, if God can do anything, that means He can wash away sins any way He pleases, right? Or is there some rule regarding the washing away of sins that God was somehow required to follow? If that is the case, who made Him follow it?
God even as a being still exists within the UNiverse, and therefore is still required to follow certain Universals laws.
If you want to say, provide a way for one being to travel from the Physical to a place in say, the metaphysical instantaniously upon death, you would have to set a kind of path or line and instigate an activation method.
Jesus dieing on the cross (The metaphysical sum of God in a coporial shell) Once dead he could instantaniously will himself back to his own realm (haveing known where it was to begin with) and thus leaving a line or path or route from here to there.
Now reserection is a way to complete this path he then returns to the body and imbues it with metaphysical energy therby sustaining and repairing the damaged parts by replaceing them with said essance or energy. Hence giveing the body life. This in and of itself completes the path and closes the ends of the…We’ll call it a spell…
No How does one activate this transportation spell? By complete and utter blind faith? By being chosen? Some other way?
The answer is a Mark is put onto the 100,000 hebrewnites who have been chosen acording to revelation’s to ascend to heaven. Or a mark put on his folowers.
How is this done, well The holy spirit could easily bestow such a mark or in and of itself be the mark itself, Like a tracking device if you will. Upon death the Holy spirit is activated and transports the essance or soul to serve God.
Just a theory…But if you know anything about spiritualism it works quite well…
It really is all in the bible if you can read past the BS and actualy know somthing beyond the words read about Spiritulism and Magick or Power…Whichever you prefer.
The theories are there but Christians would rather take the bible as a litteral text (Most of them) Than to actualy say hmmm…WTF???
Well, thank you for your theory.
Does God really exist within the universe, though? I mean, He was supposed to have created it, correct? To say that He exists within it means that He was created along with it? Or no? If He exists within the universe, He cannot be all powerful.
But, anyway, what you said only explains how He may have gone through the whole process, not why He chose that process. Or am I missing something?
quantum fluctuation says there is random appearance and disapeanance of mass. (proven)
If every thing comes from nothing you create equal opposites. Then they would randomly cancel out. God exsisted before space and time (a side effect of matter) Therfore God exsists outside of space and time. Everywhere and every time. That is where heaven lies also. Hell is being trapped to space and time as a ghost.
Well, lets look back a tid bit, shall we?
Early puritanism had no way to ask for forgiveness, even though they knew Christ had died so that they may be forgiven, but they did not see it that way. They saw it as Jesus died so that they may have fair trial judgement day.
To say Jesus died for our sins is not only biased by God, but also an idiotic interpretation of a helpless beaten man who could no more save himself on the cross than you or I.
Interesting claim! Can you cite this? Also, when you say ‘early puritanism’, are you refering to 1604 type of stuff? That’s practically modern by Christian theological standards, and potentially not a reference to ‘original’ Christian thought.
Look up the Crucible. Arthur Miller did research on purtitanism to write about the Salem Witchcraft Trials, so yeah, about 1600’s
I don’t think I can accept a play written in the 50’s as a cite for what the Puritans of the 1600’s believed. Though in all fairness, it wouldn’t surprise me if you were right.
But in the spirit of looking back a bit, if you look back a bit more, Christianity (relationship with Christ) was considered a medicinal thing, a treatment to the condition of fallen man. If you look at the Gospels and Church Fathers, I don’t read Christians as hoping for a ‘fair trial’, I read them as pleading for anything but, knowing that any fair trial would result in condemnation.
Arthur Miller did not write the playfor entertainment, he was connecting he Salem Witchcraft Trials to McCarthyism. It gives good insight into theminds of the panicked
The big differces between the Witch Trials and McCarthyism, of couse, is that communist spies actually existed, and actually had the power to do harm to this country (and many were caught), whereas the witches weren’t really witches, they were God-fearing Christians falsely accused.
It is not about blame, its is about hw far we allow our panic and need for security will carry us. Innocent people were accused of being Communist Sympathizers who were accused on the proof of seeing a bird or being a sexual radical in terms of homsexuality.
Yeah, that’s a bummer and everything, I’m just saying there’s a difference between the Red Scare, which was prompted by the fact that there actually were tons of Communist spies in the U.S. trying to steal our secrets and undermine our democracy, vs. the Witch Trials, where as far as I can tell there weren’t actually any witches. That’s what makes it a tragedy after all- if Salem really was plagued by devil worshippers making their cows sick and blighting their crops, their actions would have been much more understandable.
This is off-topic, but Uccisore, I have to straighten out one thing here about McCarthyism (which is actually misnamed; the phenomenon predated McCarthy and survived his downfall).
Yes, there were Soviet spies in the U.S. However, neither the HUAC hearings, nor (even more so) McCarthy’s nonsense, had much if anything to do with revealing them. The sole exception known to me was Alger Hiss. Most people condemned by the hearings, placed on blacklists, etc. were not Soviet spies, nor even Communists (which you ought to know are not identical terms). They were liberals.
In the 1930s, membership in the Communist Party and other socialist parties (the largest of which was called the Socialist Party and was headed by Norman Thomas) reached its peak in U.S. history. An entire generation of young people identified liberalism with socialism. If you were a politically liberal member of the World War II generation, almost certainly you had at one time belonged to, or at least strongly sympathized with, a socialist party. The huge votes delivered by this generation to Franklin Roosevelt would have been given to Thomas instead if the voters thought he could win; FDR was an acceptable compromise.
In the postwar conservative backlash, in the climate of the early Cold War, this former socialist and Communist affiliation proved useful to suppress liberalism. And that, NOT ferreting out Soviet spies, was what the Red Scare was all about. What was the standard question asked of people at HUAC hearings? “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?” And this was followed by other questions designed to reveal affiliation with other organizations classified as linked to Communism. None of this had anything to do with espionage! The vast majority of CPUSA members were not spies; in fact, it’s doubtful to me if ANY of them were, since someone with such an obvious tie to the USSR would hardly make a good spy.
But membership in the very broad compass of groups defined as “Communist linked,” while it did nothing to reveal spies, did an excellent job of revealing liberals, and by associating these people with Communism during a time of national paranoia about Communism, served to suppress liberals and cement the conservative victory at that time.
In fact, the parallels with the witch trials is quite close, and the only discrepancies I can see is that the latter were not targeted at a political enemy (unless you believe the people who think midwives and herbalists were targeted at the behest of medical doctors), and perhaps that real true witches didn’t exist, while real true Communists did.
Thanks Navigator- I know McCarthy was way overblown, I just wanted to make the point that his actions were motivated by something that was actually going on. Witches existing or not ( I reckon they do), I’ve never seen any evidence that they existed in Salem.