Li is quoted saying in an interview (which trumps what the trailer for Fearless obviously states), that this will be his last martial arts film… and plans to pursue his acting career in other film genres.
There is the matter of Rogue with Jason Stratham, but this movie cannot be classified as a martial arts film. While we may see Li pull off some moves, the movie is still strictly an action drama…
I am expecting Fearless to trump Protector; to be hailed as Li’s finest martial arts epic… afterall, the best way to go out is in style. And by the way… Tarantino didn’t make Protector.
Rush Hour 3 will be another attempt for Chris Tucker to prove how much of a shadow he can be next to the real star of the movie.
Oh, i hate Jet Li. Ohh… man, i hate him. He must believe, completely and utterly, that he is the hardest man to ever exist. I’ve emailed many famous people with little success in the name of a reply; the best reply i ever got was from a guy (grant miller) from a band called mandible chatter who emailed me the studio takes of the song t’angle in delirium,’ i told him what i thought and then four month later it was released in there album. The other notable one was Harry Krytoto(sp) nobel price winner in chemistry. But on to the point, ive emailed Jet Li, or emailed every single email address that could possibly be his to tell him he sucks. Why doesnt he join UFC? Please let him fight Matt Hughes, oh god please: “God all mighty, let Matt Hughes fight Jet Li!!” Jet Li’s middle weight, let him enter the Octagon. He’d lose every fight because his gone beyond masho vanity, his actually someone whos little kicks wouldnt knock a man out or even stop a fully grown mans movement but for the state and purpose there been told ‘the minute Jet hits you jump out of his way’ fighting. It gone - after 800 films of Jet Li been unbeatable - to were he could beat Neo in the Matrix.
I hate the wimp. Fight for real. prove to world that your nothing but an actor.
uh… kesh? jet li does real martial arts. and he is really good at it. i’m quite sure he could hold his own in a real fight.
have you seen kiss of the dragon? a few of the fight scenes he did had to be reshot because they were too fast for the camera. the part where he grabs the blond guy from behind in the store? he really did it, and he really did it that fast. the director didn’t say “cut” in time so jet li just grabbed the guy and ran with it. he really is a martial artist.
What’s it matter? The point is that he is an actor. If you think he’s a badass, or you think he thinks he is, then he’s done a credible job with the role. IMO he’s capable of subtly and nuance, too, as evidenced by Unleashed.
It is very fortunate that he made it, but sad for other martial artists who has not made a career, because no opportunity were given. Jet li took all of the roles.
Jet Li is a wushu master. It is a martial art but mainly used as a showing of one’s talents rather than fighting. He is skilled in a variety of weapons but I think he will become a great actor in the end.
Jet Li is an actor and never claimed he was a real fighter. He knows he wouldn’t do well in the UFC and he knows that people know this. Bruce Lee would get his shit kicked too for that matter. And btw, Bruce Lee was never training to fight Ali.
What the UFC did do was take away all the mythology of the martial arts. 10 years ago, or even a few years ago before the UFC became real popular, people still held on to these fantastic ideas of martial artists from distant lands being able to do incredible things. Now we know it’s all bullshit, and we know that real fights would never ever ever look anything like they do in the movies. Even with a martial arts superstar.
i actually just watched kung fu hustle about half an hour ago. i would say that if stephen chow is your style, he’s the greatest comedy person east or west.
This is not a review. I, therefore, moved it to the Mundane Babble thread.
Okay, first of all The Protector has nothing to do with Quentin Tarentino. He only presented Ong-Bak, which means he pitched the distrabution of the film to an American company. The Protector was also edited and dubbed which probably contributed to its lack of quality.
This is not the last movie Jet Li will make. He will pair up with Jackie Chan for what I believe is an adaptation of the Chinese epic “Journey to the West”.
And lastly, Dan, to be a review you have to have seen the movie. A review must have a basic synopsis of the media is all about, what you liked and/or disliked. Ideally this should be at least three or four paragraphs. A rating system is a plus.
It’s interesting, but the movie is about the foolishness of having all these different kind of styles, and the conflict resulting. The movie focuses on how childish the Chinese used to be, so it’s really an anti-violence film.