John 3:16 rephrased

Original - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16

For God was so anthropomorphized that he so loved and hated the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son
(of whom he could have made many more of and who was also supposed to be him)
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, (as no one will ‘perish’ anyway)
but have everlasting life (in heaven or hell depending on where God sends you) – John 3:16 :evilfun:

[b]God creates us for death and hell and we are supposed to thank him for getting us out of it?

(John 3:16 next to a picture of a little angel was on my mug in my office today.
The red are the thoughts that came to mind as I read each line.
I thought I’d rephrase it in a post in mundane babble on ILP.)[/b]

Here is a funny T-Shirt

hey buddy . you forget one thing. think of it like this. you parents brought you into this world. for that and that alone you owe him alot. HE GAVE YOU YOUR RIGHT TO LIVE BY CREATING LIFE. so you owe him. he already gave us a shot. and we blew it. its called adam and eve. then we he gave us another shot by sending us his son to save us. and what do we do in return. shenk his ass is what the jews do. so ya your EARNING YOUR RIGHT TO LIFE. what did you do to deserve your life? nothing. so be thankfull you are alive and thank your creator. wether its your god or mine. i belive jesus and god and the holy spirit are 3 seperate entities alltogether. so he didnt kill himself like most assume. but for the most part he doesnt ask all that much of us. WHAT IS 1 DAY OUT 7. like you dont have time to pray or thank god? selfish poeple are too selfish lol.

No, “Confucius say ‘shit’?” Ahhh, a good ol’ play on a good ol’ racist joke.

I think what you’ve written is fair iff Hell isn’t the default status. I have known people to argue that it is, in which case the Christian God makes a good deal more sense.

While I still do not believe in the Christian God, since it has been explained to me thusly, I at least no longer consider him a raging sociopath (at best), but instead understand where the idea of his benevolence comes from and, given their presuppositions, understand how they drew their conclusions.[/i]

arg, im so tired of this hell! IT DOESNT EXIST. something catholics created to scare poeple into religon. IF YOU DONT LIKE GOD AND DONT WANT TO EXIST IN HIS KINDOM. THEN U ARE WIPED FROM EXISTANCE. with satan. you arent left somewhere with him. how retarted does that sound. SATAN IS GODS KEEPER OF BAD CHILDREN OR SOEMTHING? wtf so retarded. you are just annahilated from existance and there is nothing left of you. personally. alot more scary to me honestly. atleast hell i can make up for it. now that doesnt make sense.

:laughing: =D>

That view would only re-affirm hell as default, which is what has been suggested to me.

It isn’t that God created this pit of eternal suffering, but rather he created an oasis of not-suffering.

Basically what “This is” is a point god is making. that man, cant rule over man. so the ones that want to be ruled by god practice it. and those dont will suffer the conciquinces, this is our last chance. when jesus comes back to wipe the earth clean. ridding the world of evil including poeple and satan and angels and demons and then when its clean and renew. we will be put back on earth to live there. and 144 thousand CHosen few go to heaven to judge us. i dont kow why they think we go to heaven. god created earth for us to live on it. doesnt that make sense?

No! :laughing:

My parents didn’t want me. I owe them nothing! I was an accident. It is just as plausible that THEY OWE ME!

Did God create us for his pleasure? Did God create us and Satan knowing Satan would rise and we would fall…? You bet your ass he did. :evilfun:

Well not necessarily , god did give you this thing, its called “free will” so no, you have a choice in your future, he didnt plan satan. satan was actually an angel, one of many but one special he was, he was the most beautiful angel but he became greedy and jealouse and so no he didnt plan this shit buddy.

As for you not being wanted, did your parents not raise you? did they not take care of you? or give you shelter? im pretty sure you didnt survive from birth on your own so there is someone out there who took care of you. that is who you owe. but none the less it doesnt matter . GOD did create you and your already in his debt, he gave us a freaking planet, a women, which you gave a rib for. and life, what more could you want? If you dont believe in god, dont hate on my beliefs. i wont lie, its fucking faith, you believe the shit or not, but dont try to break it down and say it doesnt make sense, your parents were fucked up for bringing you into this world unwanted, i pity you.

Oh really? God didn’t know about him? I thought he knew everything. Did God not know Satan would ‘betray’ or go against him when he created him? Did God not know that man would fall? Doesn’t sound like an omniscient God to me.

No they didn’t. I was abandoned, and went through many foster families, never staying put for long. Thanks for being sensitive. :cry:

To teach others that the concept of God is wrought with contradictions, fallacies, and illogic. :wink:

I do hate them. I want to change them. I want you to see the light. In this particular post I wasn’t attempting to do that however, and was certainly not going about it nicely trying to convince people of it. But then again, even if I’m very rude and insensitive, some of my words and thoughts will cut past the barriers you may have put up and the truth will begin to undo or at least change your views on God.

Wow… Nice…:o

Wow… Very nice indeed… :astonished: