Johny goes marching off huraah

"WASHINGTON (Oct. 11) - Congress approved the use of America’s military might against Iraq, reinforcing President Bush’s insistence that Saddam Hussein’s government had no other option but to disarm. ‘‘The days of Iraq acting as an outlaw state are coming to an end,’’ Bush said.

After days of solemn debate, both the House and Senate passed and sent to the White House a resolution authorizing the president to use military force, if necessary, to compel Iraq to get rid of its biological and chemical weapons and disband its nuclear weapons program."

Would somebody mind me moving in with them? Im thinking about moving to England for school till this either blows over, or i need a gas mask to leave my house.

My heart goes out to you, BluTGI.
The ‘tyranny of the masses’ rule has been broken, and it seems that being against the policy of the US government in the USA is something of a taboo. It wil take a great and vital idea to work out how, but the America needs a peaceful revolution. Revolution. I leave it to you BluTGI …

O come on now. Do you really want to miss all the play by play action on tv?

I really honestly can’t believe they did it. The decision is about 40 60 in favor of not going yet we are going. I wonder how this is going to turn out. I can’t see it going all to smoothly but I may just be being pessimistic.


“It is not a victory to strike down one tyrant and breed 10,000 terrorists,”

“If Saddam Hussein holds a gun to someone’s head, while he denies he even owns a gun, do you really want to take a chance that he’ll never use it?”

I like the first one for making sense. I like when people do that. But the second one… I don’t know. Isn’t all this based on the assumption that Iraq has weapons? Shouldn’t it read more like…

“If Saddam Hussein holds a piece of a gun to someone’s head, while he denies he even owns a gun, do you really want to take a chance that he’ll never use it?”

I can’t get the image of Saddam pointing his finger at someones head in the shape of a gun while people try to convince him not to. And then out of the blue someone comes and punches him in the face.

It may just be my new interest in politics that are making me uneasy about the whole situation but I really don’t like the idea of it.

In the USA even if the war is stupid, people commit to die for what ever reason it may be. I mean if it was hitler Id be the first one on the truck. But it aint, its just some camel jocky waving a stick. the same camel jocky that threatend and tried to kill our presidents father. Sure id try to kick who ever tried to kill my dads buttock. but i wont send John F smith a banker 22 ffrom Idaho with a wife and a baby to do it. Especially when John F smith will come home with some generic bio weapon. Its the Bio weapons. We all know there was the Gulf War Syndrome. I mean did we forget this? Its vietnam all over again. Just let me know when the bus starts heading out of country.

Well no more fence ridding time for some americans to shed there blood.with or with out turkey heh

“my god if we only had turkey! this would all be over if we just had turkey!”

i’ll have what blut’s drinking…

yet isnt that convenient that one of the evil empire(great record, btw) has some nuke capability (enough material for 2 bombs, i read somewhere else)
and is exporting ‘long range’ missles to other evil baby eating regimes at this time…